Princeton Residential Colleges - Which have NO Air Conditioning

Can anyone tell me which Princeton residential dorms have air conditioning and which do not have A/C?

All the new ones do - Whitman, NCW and Yeh. I think some rooms, if not all, in Forbes do as well.

May I ask why you are asking?

Grandson new freshman. He has no choice. Just curious if we will need a fan.

Got it. Yes, no choice and he won’t find out for a while. The trade off is character and tradition - there is something special about the older buildings.

Come to think of it, Buttler probably has AC as well. It was rebuilt about 20 years ago.

Princeton doesn’t get very hot during the school year. I had a small rotating tabletop fan when I attended but rarely used it. Still, if your grandson gets assigned to Mathey or Rockefeller College, a fan would be nice to have for the occasional hot day/night.

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There definitely can be hot days - not so sure how long ago you attended. If you are on the 3rd floor of Campbell there could be some very uncomfortable days/nights.

But as previously mentioned you won’t know until July where he is rooming. Point him to ‘Real Talk Princeton’ (just search for it) once he knows his dorm and he can probably get very specific information.

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