<p>Wait, so does Princeton not have a supplement for the Common App secondary school report (unlike Harvard which has an extra 2 pages)?</p>
<p>Harvard requires an extra 2 pages? o_O</p>
<p>Well here is the School Report for Harvard, from their website…</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/utilities/electronic_resources/download/Rollo0809App_SchoolReport.pdf[/url]”>http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/utilities/electronic_resources/download/Rollo0809App_SchoolReport.pdf</a></p>
<p>Thanks! I already knew about the common app portion but had no idea about the extra pages at the end.</p>
<p>I didn’t understand something!! Is these extra 2 pages required? If yes, why aren’t they in the common application school forms?
I can’t find them through the common app site!</p>
<p>I actually spoke to my college counselor today, who told me that those extra 2 pages are for people applying with the Harvard app. and not with the common app.</p>
<p>Actually, you should check out the thread on the Harvard board about this…it’s much more accurate than what I just said!</p>