Princeton's transfer policy...

<p>sucks. I'm sure it's been said a million times but I can't help it. And I've heard their grad school isn't great anyways. It's a shame because I'd go to Princeton over [insert college] any day. Anyone think this could change anytime in the next century? They don't appear to be reconsidering. Now it look's like Harvard is following in their footsteps. Is this affecting anyone else on these forums?</p>

<p>Princeton does not accept tranfers. Harvard has a two year moratorium on transfers due to over enrollment. Guess you'll just have to deal with Yale or Stanford.</p>

<p>Your comprehension skills are rather sub-par, aren't they? In further response, I have no interest in Harvard (and do not intend to apply), I'm just pointing out the influence Princeton has had. Yale's also out the door (not interested) but Stanford, maybe (love California, grew up there).</p>

<p>The fact that Princeton doesn't have great grad school is irrelevant to your applying. Who says that you have to go to grad school there? I seem to remember that the wife of the winning presidential candiidate on Tuesday went to Princeton, graduated and then went to Harvard Law.</p>

<p>It is very unusual for people to spend their entire academic career at 1 school. Apply see what happens.</p>

<p>Good luck....</p>

<p>"Your comprehension skills are rather sub-par, aren't they?"</p>

<p>What an a**hole and pretentious remark. In response to your thread: no, they're not affecting me because I attend Princeton already. And good thing Princeton's keeping out people like you.</p>

<p>I was just joking... I didn't mean for it to be misinterpreted. Jokes and sarcasm are hard to convey over the internet and I don't want to come across as a jerk. Sorry. Thanks for the response commserver, although it is literally out the door for me to get into Princeton (unless I cure cancer :)) as an undergrad.</p>

<p>No hard feelings (hopefully) ColdWind :)</p>

<p>How long has Princeton's no-transfer policy been in effect?</p>

<p>6 years or more? I’m not too sure.</p>