<p>cal students: would you rec. bringing a printer? how much is the cost for printing?</p>
<p>In the units, $5 for 250 pages via laser printer. cheaper than printing with your own printer!</p>
<p>You can use the printers at the residential computing center or buy one of the copy cards at Doe/Moffitt Library and print out stuff from there. So it's not absolutely necessary to bring a printer.</p>
<p>i'd bring one. my roommate ****ed me off by constantly using mine.</p>
<p>if you are living in a triple in the units, is there enough space to bring a printer and a computer? will there be space if all 3 people brought printers and computers? (i hope this won't happen)</p>
<p>I would definitely recommend having a printer. A laser printer. Consumer lasers are cheap, around $100, and fast, at around 20ppm. One tonor will last you a year, easily (6000 sheets), and isn't that expensive (~$60-$80). For a person writing essays, having a printer is great for printing out essays obviously. For me, though, as an engineer, I always print out my problem sets. It is easier for me to carry them around, think about them, and work on them. It's just a very useful device to have around, in general.</p>
<p>EDIT: Also remembered, each semester I have to print one or two 20-page reports for my engineering courses. Takes for-friggin-ever on an inkjet. Takes a minute on a laser. Again, I highly recommend a laser (unless you must print color for some reason, though inevitably most of your buddies will have inkjets which you can use if you need to for that purpose).</p>
<p>I think eudean is right, now I'll need to buy a printer cause I can't take the only one in my house and $5 for 250 prints is kinda expensive</p>
<p>Expensive?? I guess if you do have a laser printer already then it's a rip off.</p>
<p>yeah, $5 for 250 is pretty cheap if you're comparing it to inkjet</p>
<p>It's something nice to have for sheer convenience. I never actually used my printer because of all the print quotas I get from my EECS accounts.</p>
<p>I managed to burn one of my 200pg print quotas by the end of the semester.</p>
<p>Besides, campus printers are a lot better than any feasible printer you could bring.</p>