printers in the dorms?

<p>To clarify, 5 cents per piece of paper, and all the CMU printers are capable of printing double-sided. So you can print out a two-page document for 5 "cents".</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>my roommate gave me this link... do these problems still exist as of now? she was suggesting that we bring our own printer for the dorm anyway...</p>

<p>The printing system changed over summer of 2005. I'm not really familiar with issues in that focus group- the printers I know of are outside of rooms with computers, with the exception of the Morewood cluster which is always open, and you can print from any computer on the network, including your personal computer. I don't know how to cancel jobs in the queue, but that's not a big deal.</p>

<p>Jobs in the queue expire after a certain time (12 hours?) so if you decide you don't want to print one, just don't and it'll be gone the next day.</p>