Privacy and Blogs

<p>D's title to her latest blog--"in case your are curious about what I think about when I am alone." </p>

<p>This is JUST the kind of thing I am interested in!!</p>

<p>My oldest daughters title is
Everybody wants to be naked and Famous :eek:</p>

<p>ellemenope: so talk to her if you're interested in it!!!</p>

<p>emeraldkity4: lol that's the title of a song :)</p>

<p>Right I know- PUSA
I saw their last concert when they were "breaking up" many years ago
also saw them recently with Pearl Jam and Heart
My D is a big fan- but Chris Ballew drinks a little too much coffee for me</p>

<p>Lol. You go to rock concerts? That's awesome.
But then, whats wrong with her blog title? :)</p>

<p>crimson you forget people of my generation were raised on rock- and many of the rock stars are our age- or older!
Oh there isnt anything wrong with her title- she has a very tame blog actually and doesnt update much-
her sister is the one I have to pay more attention too</p>

<p>Yeah, I forget 'cause my mom was raised on jazz.... :( And now she listens exclusively to that.... and not the good jazz.... the really annoying 90s jazz (I'm taliking Michael Bolton and Kenny G). - sorry if that offended anyone :)</p>