private music lessons?

<p>What i'd reallly like to do is be able to play violin in the sinfonia. However, due to various reasons (no teacher, sprained arm, er - no violin) I haven't had actual lessons or serious practice for 2 years. I started playing the violin at 4 and got to be fairy good, but now, frankly, I sound pretty crappy :p and there's noo way I'd make the Sinfonia at this point. I'm hoping with some instruction I might get back to about my usual level and maybe audition for the sinf next year? Are the private lessons from the Pton faculty competitive to get into? Should I attempt to get lessons outside of the university?</p>

<p>It's amazing how not playing an instrument for two years can be so detrimental to your skill...I stopped taking flute lessons two years ago and haven't really picked up it since, so now I'm aw-ful. Not that I started when I was 4 to begin with...but you know, I was less aw-ful before :p</p>

<p>I think it depends, year to year, on how many people are interested in lessons and if the teacher wants to teach that many. But I hope you find a lesson from the university, as they are probably cheaper than outside instruction.</p>

<p>There are 3 violin teachers, and I expect it's fairly competitive, but it seems useless to talk vaguely about "competitive" or "uncompetitive." I know sinfonia violinists who are taking lessons (I <em>think</em> with one of the 3), and the last I heard he was doing praeludium from Bach's solo partita in E. Do you have a violin right now? And both arms?</p>

<p>(Not sure about lessons outside of the university. There's one who treks down to Curtis every week, but his family lives in NJ and can drive him. I expect it's going to be a lot of hassle unless you find a teacher within walking distance.)</p>

<p>is that guy David Carpenter? lol I'm pretty sure it's him..</p>

<p>Yes, how ever did you guess? :)</p>

<p>haha cuz he went to my high school and he actually told me he goes to lesson there when I met him at juilliard before...armavirumque are you in orchestra??</p>

<p>"I met him at juilliard" --> OKIIEEDOKIEEEE haha start looking into outside lessons.</p>

<p>arma - yes! two arms and a little violin.</p>

<p>No, not in orchestra. Saying anymore would jeopardise my much-prized anonymity.</p>

<p>mea: I'd say audition both for sinfonia and lessons. If you get into both, you'll get the 50% lesson subsidy.</p>

<p>Sorry to hijack a thread, but does anybody know how many violas try out for PUO (and sinfonia by extension... one audition right?). For that matter exactly how competitive is that section (how many violas, how many spots... how many world renound kids try out etc.) </p>

<p>I have no idea whether or not I would be good enough for sinfonia, or the orchestra. I've played violin and viola for about 10 years or so but I'm no virtuoso. Junior and senior years I made All-State orchestra- but then, I live in DE... so who doesn't make All-state :-/</p>

<p>In any event, I've been practicing up some pieces from Bach's six suites , too easy? HELP</p>

<p>*PS the author of this post apologizes for the random and rambling nature of the above. First post for a LONG TIME LURKER (mb 1 year?)</p>

<p>There were only 2 violas for much of last year in sinfonia, so you'll have a very good chance of getting in. Which movement from the cello suites are you doing? I did prelude from 2 last year; it went terribly, but I got in anyway :).
Only 2 violists from PUO graduated last year, so that's going to be tough. Some members from last year might not want to carry on, but I'm not holding my breath. And only one world-renowned violist in PUO, I think :).</p>

<p>While we're on the topic of graduating instrumentalists...what about the violinists?</p>

Saying anymore would jeopardise my much-prized anonymity.


<p>Heh. I think mine's probably about 75% gone by now. I hope I haven't said anything incriminating ;-)</p>

<p>::fears having her door beat down by chocoholic froshes looking for truffles::</p>

<p>Oh I already know who you are. Your own fault, signing every post you make with your name <em>and</em> year. (I'm afraid you don't seem to have a career in the espionage business ... not a long career, anyway. :))</p>

<p>About violinists, I seem to recall only 2 or 3 graduating. For some reason PUO seems to be composed mostly of freshmen and sophomores, maybe because independent work's too much of a drain. You could go to the PUO site and look up every violinist on people search, but that would take too long and feel a bit too stalker-ish. If I had one of their programs, I'd look it up, but I don't. Maybe someone else?</p>

<p>It's not using the name, even. Between posting on civil engineering and the choir, it was over before it began. :-)</p>

<p>I treat everything I write on the internet as public... it's just easier.</p>

<p>If you are not accepted by a P'ton violin instructor and aren't up to Julliard or Curtis, Westminster Choir College's Conservatory, a short walk from campus, offers lessons (in many instruments and voice); some from grad students, others from senior and artist faculty.</p>

<p>litho, you also mentioned the group for army brats. But I actually don't know who you are, since I haven't really looked. </p>

<p>I picked up my flute for the first time in like a year yesterday...and it was awful. Mr. Bach and Mr. Schumann are wincing in their graves =/</p>

<p>what about private piano/singing lessons? does anybody know what you have to do to audition, or how good, or how many, instructors there are? i've been playing piano for around 11 years, singing for, er, a while (;) ). played the violin for just as long but haven't played it for around a year: and somehow i don think i'll be able to fit in violin, piano AND singing lessons at pton!!! i guess everyone has to give up something ;)</p>

<p>Oh, I know I've mentioned a ton of stuff. :-) My point was simply that if I kept it to the minimum -- my major, and things people specifically asked about (choir) -- I'd still be identifiable. So be it.</p>

<p>thanks very much aquetong!</p>

<p>zante - you and me, let's play a duet. Or maybe a trio, if someone would like to volunteer to play the pots, pans and garbag can lids.</p>

oh you are funny</p>