Probability of Admission

<p>Unforunately, I applied to Miami during regular admission. Stupid enough, Miami is my first choice and dream school. Is there a significant difference between the amount of applicants admitted from the early admission pool and regular admission pool?
Thank you</p>

<p>It’s slightly more advantageous to apply EA or ED than RD as the acceptance rate is higher, but that’s only if you’re a strong enough applicant (you run the risk of being rejected). In the overall picture though, it’s not that big of a difference. If you’re meant to go there, you’ll get in, don’t worry.</p>

<p>Do you know the exact percentages, by any chance?</p>

<p>ED: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>And EA: [Colleges</a> Where Applying Early Action Helps - US News and World Report](<a href=“]Colleges”></p>

<p>I don’t think there’s too much of a difference: I think it’s just that the more serious students tend to apply early action. Unfortunately, unless UM were to release a comparison of SAT scores between the two periods, it seems like it would be difficult to show this to be the case.</p>

<p>Jupiter - give us a feeling for your stats…</p>

<p>3.45 uGPA
4.18 wGPA
1280 SAT (critical reading and math)
Taking 4 A.P.s this year, already took 4, too.
College credits from three separate institutions:
15 credits from Palm Beach State College
6 credits from F.A.U
2 credits from Lesley University.
My grades nor my test scores reflect my overall academic capability. Like an idiot, I slacked off freshman and sophomore year.
I am applying for the marine biology program, and that is where my resume reflects me.
I have an advanced open water cert, along with: Coral I.D. Cert, Fish I.D. Cert, Underwater Naturalist Cert, and I.Y.T Sailing Cert.
I am an intern at John D. MacArthur Beach State Park.
In my common app, the e.c. activity I described was a marine-related activity (shell collecting).
Varsity Tennis Team all four years. Won District Championship 2010.
Couple summers volunteered as a junior counselor at an environmental sleep-away camp.
Tutored Russian-American children Russian and English Languages. Obviously, bilingual.
Three letters of recommendations: two teachers and one guidance counselor. The letters did show how I was marine-orientated.
Few Honors Societies.
First-generation American.
I’m hoping my essay and resume will stand me out among the applicants.
I’ve been accepted to FSU, UF, and UWF
If you can comment/chance that will be helpful.
It’s been pretty stressful the past months b.c. Miami is my first choice.
Thanks for everything.</p>