<p>Hey everyone! Thanks for looking.</p>
<p>Okay, here's the scoop. I'm not stupid, but I was lazy in my freshmen/sophmore year, blah blah blah you've heard this story a billion times. I've since picked my grades up , but it was sort of too late into the game to salvage. The GPA suckishness also came as a result of my serious ineptitude in math. </p>
<p>My GPA through the first three years:3.03,
My average this year is an A, but that was brought down by a novel writing (ya, seriously) class that required WAY too much work than I could possibly do with my schedule that came out with an 80.
This puts me 79/184 in my really really competitive grade (They do our weighted out of 8 and numbers 10-32 were determined by a difference of like .03 points)</p>
<p>All of my classes were honors (which may have been a mistake in the math classes I took, but nyeh), and I took two AP's this year (our school doesn't offer that many and for any AP's that aren't sciences, you have to wait until you are a senior), both of which I have A's in.</p>
<p>SATs: 610 M 720 CR 700 W
ACT: 28</p>
<p>President/Founder of a Political Awareness Club
Editor of the Newspaper
Drama Club Officer/Public Relations Director
Senior Class Treasuer
Member, Student Leaders and Mentors</p>
20 hrs/week, Customer Service Associate at Marshalls</p>
<p>Community Service
Tour Guide, Massachusetts State House
Food Server, My town's summer BBQ Series
Other miscellaneous stuff totaling at least 200 hours over the last two years.</p>
<p>Bunch of Recs: Two really good teacher recs (One teacher said it was the best she's ever written), Rec from my principal lauding my leadership skills, Director of State House Education devision, and then a good counselor rec.</p>
<p>The schools I'm hoping to get into are...</p>
<p>Boston University
Northeastern University
Emerson College</p>
<p>I have reason to believe I'm sunk. What do you think?</p>