<p>Parents, have any of your sons or daughters ever had problems with the online applications? My dgtr has been working on an application for about 2 months off and on now. It gives you the opportunity to save your work but go back and edit whenever you want until you are finished. Then when you are finished with a section, you click on complete and submit. Then you don't have the option to go back and edit.</p>
<p>She has completed the personal info part and has submitted that. She did part of her interests (there's 4 sections of that) and had saved it with the option to go back and edit. A few days ago, she was going to work on her interests again. However, the sections she is working on will not save. When she types it in, saves it, and goes back to read it, it is not there. The part she did a few weeks ago is, but not what she has done recently.</p>
<p>So, as a good, worried mother would do naturally, I got on there and tried it myself, it would not save. Note, that we are copying from a Word Perfect document that she had saved, and pasted it onto the application section. Thinking that the thing must not like copying and pasting, we tried just typing it in there. The same thing happened. It saved nothing. However, once in awhile, it would save a line or 2, but not all.</p>
<p>Being VERY frustrated at this point, I emailed the school (where almost all the folks are on Christmas break). The person emailed me back and said nothing was wrong with the application program. I emailed her back stating that we are having problems...really! So, they got my child's name, etc and went in there themselves and tried it. They were able to type in "testing" and it saved. So they emailed me this. I looked in and sure enough, "testing" was there. So I typed in testing also and was able to save it and it stayed. So then I typed in gibberish like this: iiiiiiiiiii- opppppppp oioooo and it saved that as well.. So I typed in a sentence and it would not save.</p>
<p>I'm no computer genius, but I am familiar with things online and basic computer skills and copying and pasting. I think something is terribly wrong with this application program. I emailed the folks back, but have not heard anything else back. Now it's 2 weeks til deadline and we have this problem! She can't go and do a paper application now at this point because some of her recommendations have already been done online into her application.</p>
<p>Sorry this was so long, but I'm just trying to find out if anyone else has had this problem. Any suggestions at all? If nothing else works, I will call the admissions head and ask them what we can do after Christmas break.</p>