<p>Procrastination is bad. i always procrastinate. like on my G4 project, RLA, research paper, i did all of them the day before they were due. don't wait till the very last minute,.. u'll end up stressing,,, going to sleep at 2 am, getting up before 6 am and trying to finish your "conclusion" on the lab.. etc... if u got a B on ur report card and if u know that it could've been an A, (had u not procrastinated),,, then the time has come to quit procrastinating..</p>
<p>I was going to write a really long post, but I think I'll do it later :-P.</p>
<p>Just wait till senior year when you're in to college. Since I got into my EA school, I don't think I've started a paper earlier than 10 or 11 p.m. the night before it's due. I had an early morning study hall last semester, and I cranked out one pagers all the time during it.</p>
<p>Hmmm..I wonder if there is a scientific explanation for procrastination. There has got to be a cure somewhere ;)</p>
<p>Right now I'm on CC and it's 12:05 AM, supposed to be studying for a major test tomorrow and I ddint even start! ther eis definitely something wrong with me</p>
<p>It's times like this I'm glad I live in Central Time Zone, where the good shows are on at 9.</p>
<p>But then Leno and Conan always trip me up.</p>
<p>I bet no one else is walked around their house in the dark at 1am listening to Phish.</p>
<p>lol no, but i have stared at the ceiling at three o clock in the morning listening to led zepplin</p>
<p>I'm supposed to be writing another massive paper comparing three books 10-15 pg. I barely have 5 but oh well, phish.... good idea I think I'll do that</p>
<p>Uhh were either of you under the influence? :p</p>
<p>lmao @ Amused...that was hilarious</p>
<p>I'm procrastinating right now. :(</p>
<p>:o Me too. I'm used to the weird working hours. </p>
<p>I am not stressed.</p>
<p>I have a power point English project due Wednesday, that I have not yet started on. It is worth 20 percent of my grade, but I am not worried. I have mastered the art of procrastination. And besides my English class in full of idiots so no matter what I do I will get an A.</p>
<p>P.S. Has anyone seen the demotivation poster about procrastination:
"Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now."</p>
<p>Its almost 10pm and I've still got my Calculus homework and my Spanish homework to do (which won't take more than an hour at the very, doubtful most.)</p>
<p>I've had a boatload of homework tonight, so this is my breather. I have two huge tests tomorrow, a 2 chapter ap euro test and the biggest ap bio test of the year covering 5 chapters on evolution which bores me to tears, after a little cc time I have to write a one-page paper on the american dream</p>
<p>I've moved past procrastination to complete slacker territory...and it rocks. :D</p>
<p>I'm still alive sleeping 4hours a day. ^<em>^ though it's gonna hurt my immune system damn lot but...it's ok. I just never can get my hands moving on the keyboard to type up my reports....I always do my papers the night before. or perhaps the hours before, and hey, I still can manage to get the A. ^</em>^ so Procrastination works for me.</p>