procrastination (cmon, you all do it)

<p>so... </p>

<p>i am the master of all procrastination. or at least, it sucks up a ton of my time and i end up going to bed at 1am when i should be able to by 10, all because i'm so easily distracted (i do have mild ADD but apparently it isnt bad enough to get me medication)</p>

<p>it's a very big problem and i can't seem to get out if it, what do you guys do to cure this terrible disease? or, ways to cope so you don't feel like tired poo all day?</p>

<p>I've begun to believe that any time before 9 PM is "too early in the morning" for anything. Thus, I normally go to bed at around 1-1:30 AM, and have been doing so for 2.5 years now.</p>

<p>No serious health problems yet ;)</p>

<p>when i stay up late finishing stuff, it just means coffee in the morning. that's how I cope, though i think my body is just so used to this messed up schedule that its learning how to function. another thing... NAPS! they are oh so wonderful. When i don't feel like working and know i'm not going to get anything done, I just take a nap and that way I have the energy to stay up late finishing my work if i have to.</p>

<p>your body gets used to it. some people need more sleep than others. ideally, i'd have about nine or ten hours. but instead, i went to bed at four this morning (thank you internet! thank you lack of self control!). i still feel reasonably articulate and not totally slow witted because sadly, i've adjusted. one of my friends does what mary mary does and it seems to work for her. She sometimes sleeps from seven at night to midnight, gets up at midnight, and works until seven. To try to avoid procrastinating, i'd suggest you go to the library with your books where there will be no distractions. it won't be the most exhilirating experience in the world, but you'll feel much more satisfied with how you spend your time and won't sympathize with fatigued feces the next day.</p>

<p>I sleep like 2-3 hours a night at most, and a lot of times I don't sleep at all. Sleeping is kind of a waste of time I think...but yeah I have a hardcore procrastination problem. When I really need to get something done I usually go to this coffee shop with a friend and she forces me to get my **** we all know caffeine increases concentration! :D I don't really ever feel tired, but I am also a coffee+red bull usual routine is to slam a red bull as soon as I get out of bed, then have a coffee on the way to the hospital (VENTI), then I get another coffee during my break at like nine (also LARGE), then I have a red bull with my lunch, and another coffee during my afternoon class. :D</p>

<p>haha nickyjane, with that concentration of caffeine coursing through your veins, i predict you're going to live a fast glamorous and very very very short life. :)</p>

<p>I can only work under pressure. Meaning that minimum 5 page essay on the Age of Romanticism due tomorrow? Yup, I'm doing it the day before.</p>

<p>Haha, thanks, thats so sweet of you to say.</p>

<p>my problem is that i never learn my lesson. the procrastination always pays off. summer reading for AP English with lengthy essays on each of 4 books... yeah i did all the reports the week before... 3 of them the day before. sure other people worked hard and didn't wait til the last minute, but i still got a better grade. and so i never learn my lesson and the cycle continues.</p>

<p>I do the same thing- think I'll go to bed at 10, stay up till 1. It annoys me, but I've kind of just come to accept it. Occasionally I'll actually make it to bed earlier, but not usually. I'm just trying to aim for 9-9:30 now instead of 10. Oh well, it's just who I am.</p>


<p>bah eleven pm is nothing you weakling. jk :D try going to the library where there's less temptation and less distraction.</p>

<p>Hmm, out of the 3.5 years I have spent in HS, I think I have stayed up past 11 an average of 5 times a semester. I go to bed at 10, 10:30 almost every school night.</p>

<p>So what I do is...</p>

<p>I'll finish this post later.</p>

<p>lol, that was awesome Amused!</p>

<p>I'm in the procrastination boat:</p>

<p>-Usually 6 hours of sleep per night
-Aim for 10, sleep by 11:30 (10:00 is a godly stretch of time for TV: Family Guy, the West Wing, Law and Order SVU, Aquateen Hungerforce....)
-I start everyday with what's called a god-shot: a double shot espresso cut with a mug full of very strong, black coffee.<br>
-My English class this year consisted (1st semester) of 12 extended theme papers, and aside from one, all were written the night before they were do (usually up 'til 2-3am). Worked out though, and I never got anything lower than an A- on a paper.<br>
-Aside from one class, I've never studied for finals on any day other than the day before the exam- again, it seems to work out. </p>

<p>I just work well under pressure, I guess: Diet Pepsi is my very good friend (along with + C from Integral Calc).</p>

<p>I go to sleep around 3:00 most school nights, then up at 6:30 the next morning.</p>

<p>I'd probably be asleep by 11:00 every night if it wasn't for the Internet</p>

<p>Most of the time, I'm in bed by 12, unless I'm talking to my boyfriend until 1:30 on school nights. </p>

<p>I don't procrastinate on long-term projects since my Technical Exhibition (10+ page of body research paper in APA, product, and 10-20 minute presentation) but homework, yeah.. I usually wait until homeroom to do it. Been doing that forever.</p>

<p>Yes, you hink I would learn my lesson on procrastinating but after almost 4 years of high school, I still do it regularly. I haven't had 6 hours of sleep in I don't know how long adn I continue to finish long-term projects late into the night the day before they're due. I agree with Jimmyeatworld, much of the reason is the internet. I'm easily distracted. My only key to staying up so long all the time is food & caffeine. Yup, well, now I gotta go write an essay that's due tomorrow - what a surprise!</p>

<p>yeah, I'm in the same boat. the problem is you guys stay up late to finish stuff as a result of your procrastination. I just say "screw it" and go to bed at 10 without doing it.</p>

<p>I did the same thing with my college essays. (I did one essay the day before it was due, and the other essay the day OF). While I was writing them, I told myself that I'd never procrastinate again because I just blew my chances for my early action school. Come december 15th, I find out that I somehow got accepted... so yeah, that lesson was never learned.</p>