Someone please chance me getting into PROMYS USA??

I submitted my application; I think I did a decent job in the admissions exam, but I’m worried because I rushed a bit. (I started working on it last night…)
I managed to solve all of them except #9, and I wrote down only the idea and a partial solution for #3, #6, and #10 because I didn’t have time. But I’m worried because I didn’t have time to write down anything for #9. For questions besides #9, I’m confident that my answers are all correct.

Essays are quite solid (in my opinion), talked about the experience of math circle & AwesomeMath Camp, GPA is top in school, and math teacher gave me a good recommendation letter.

What would be my chances of being accepted? I’m a sophomore, Asian international student, probably not low or medium-income bracket (if that matters)

I submitted mine yesterday and got the confirmation email right after.

Hey, so have you heard of Promys Europe being cancelled this year? I just received the email and it upset me a lot. However, it’s something that needs to be done for our safety.

Hello, does anyone think it would be possible to petition for them to move the program online? Several other camps have done so, and some have even accepted more students this year because of the switch to an online program. I was very excited about this program, and I’m sure many other people were as well, so I hope there is some way to experience this program online.

Yeah same, I thought about it as well

Just got an email from PROMYS saying I got in…not sure if i’m excited or disappointed lol

How many problems did you complete?

Completed 8 problems and got rejected myself

I did them all

I got the email as well, got rejected and had done 9 probs

Hi, I also applied to PROMYS for the first time, completed all 10 problems. But I haven’t received any email, I was wondering if you were returning students or if this was also your first time applying.

It’s my first time applying also…I don’t think that returning students have to do the problem set (for PROMYS Europe anyway)

Interesting, I applied to PROMYS USA, but I’m confused I think everyone received the email saying that the camp got cancelled. Anyway congrats, did you apply anywhere else?

Thanks! I didn’t apply anywhere else but I’m hoping to go to PROMYS Europe next year :confused:

Did you get into PROMYS?