Proposed schedule for my first semester...any advice?

<p>Just finished my freshman academic advising in prep for my CalSO (figured I won't have any time later). Can any current students advise?</p>

<p>NOTE: I've fulfilled the IGETC thingy before I finished my senior year, so I don't believe I need any GE courses. In the Academic Advising online, I've fulfilled all the requirements except for foreign language and American Culture req.</p>

<p>Planning on a double Poli Sci and South Asian Studies major:</p>

<p>S Asian R5A - Great Books of India
4 units
Major req. for South Asian Studies - Languages and Literatures</p>

<p>Pol Sci 2 - Intro to Comparative Politics
4 units
Major req. for PS (and I need it to declare)</p>

<p>Hin-Urd 1A - Introduction Hindi
5 units
For. Language req. and it relates to my second major</p>

<p>Pol Sci 60AC - What is Poltical Freedom?
4 units
American Culture req.</p>

<p>What do you think? Works? Too tough? Too easy?</p>

<p>what is IGETC?</p>

<p>When are you supposed to complete this academic advising/orienteering process? I have to absorb all that stuff and find out my classes soon..</p>

<p>Sooner the better, but do it before CalSO.</p>

<p>IGETC is the courses that cover the breadth requirements, which you take at a jc. it must've been something to finish all that before you even start your first year.</p>

<p>if you make the effort, you can probably finish college in 3 years with all that crap out of the way.</p>

<p>Hey, I've heard of people finishing in 2.5 years, and personally I wouldn't classify breadth requirements as "crap."</p>

<p>It's looking good. Though I would hold off on one of those because it may end up being too much your first semester. I'm just saying this because it is just generally the advice (for the average) freshman should only take about 13-14 units their first semester. Otherwise, I say go for it. Have fun, they look interesting.</p>

<p>thats like a whopping 17 units. Academic orinteering and Berkeley students here all urge me to take 13-14 units first semester. Is its advisable to take any more than that?</p>

<p>if you can already speak some Hindi it should be fine</p>

<p>And if I can't?</p>

<p>I dunno, I'm starting to rethink this whole double major thing. I think I'd rather focus on Poli Sci and try to graduate with honors and distinction, and instead, focus my MA on South Asia.</p>

<p>Don't worry about this stuff too much. At least a take a few classes before you figure it out more definitely.</p>

<p>Yeah, I know. But I'm trying to get out by two years (financial reasons). I'll probably drop R5A and take a different AC course, and then plan on Poli Sci 3 and upper division classes during Spring.</p>

<p>Three years with summers is far more possible and probably better for you than 2 years.</p>