Prospective Early Action and AP Calc question.

Hi, I have a 29 ACT, 3.85 UW, and 4.2 W and am hispanic. I am taking 4 AP classes senior year, (AP English, AP Comp sci, AP Calc AB, and APES). I am doing fine in all of them with the exception of AP Calc. Currently, I have a B- but just took a test which I know I definitely bombed. Everyone in the class is struggling but the teacher keeps hammering us with hard tests. If I get a C in AP Calc, how bad would that look to Miami? I’ve never gotten a C thus far in high school and this class may be the one. Also, would getting a C look better than dropping it second semester if it gets increasingly harder?

remember they don’t see your quarter grades but final so work towards maybe ending with a B- or above and you should be fine. UM is my dream school hoping to get in early decision!
Wishing you the best of luck

My son was facing a similar dilemma – does your school allow you to drop down into regular Calc & bump your grade up to an A-? That is what my son was thinking about doing.