PSA - Fall "transfer" 2020 - Updates, Q/A, Information

Good afternoon! Is this friend of your daughter’s a PSA student at CC also? I know that CC is real late in finishing up this semester due to a later start in Jan (like after MLK Day!) Perhaps if she’s a regular transfer student she already had the required # of credits/courses taken and her application/admission wasn’t dependent on Final Spring transcript being submitted?

@TMImomof2 I wasn’t aware that any PSA kids have found out yet. My son still has two finals this week and CC grades are not even due until 05/19. AIS still shows incomplete. Good luck everyone, they are almost there! Can’t wait to hear what they have in store for transfer camp!

@TMImomof2 I am very skeptical. TAMUCC isn’t even done yet - my son says that transcripts won’t be sent until 5/22 at the earliest! He’s taking his last final (right now exactly), but he also will be leaving TAMUCC with a 4.0. He’s moving to College Station Saturday to start looking for a job. He’s so ready to rock and roll and get established. Good luck everyone! This year has flown by!!

that is an amazing achievement and you should be proud of your son. How was he able to do so well? I’m an incoming freshman and I am scared about this next year.

I’m a student at SFA, a Political Science Major. I have 27 hours completed, and should have a cumulative GPA of around 3.3 to 3.4
I am not PSA.

I have everything finished on the transfer course sheet, besides MTH 142 ((Business Calculus)) I dropped it due to Covid-19.

I have sent off my spring transcript today. Does anyone know my chances at all?.. I know everything is somewhat up in the air. The math class is “recommended” and not required as well. I’d really only be missing this math class. I’ve finished all the other recommended and required courses last Fall at TAMU-CC.

I have almost all of the basics completed, a lot of history and government credit because of AP in High School. I also really want to be in the Corps of Cadets and Band. Writing about those in the short answer section of the transfer application.

Any help, or words of encouragement will be appreciated.

@GabrielRojo I think you have a really good chance. So were you deferred for spring grades? If so, then I don’t think the math is going to hurt you. It was a weird semester for sure. Your GPA is good and a solid amount of credits. They like to see that most of the basics are taken care of.

Keep us posted!

Yes I was deferred for Spring grades, I’ve sent those in, and am trying to confirm that they have been received. I’ll keep y’all updated. As soon as I know that A&M has my transcript, it’s just a waiting game… hopefully it’s in my favor.

@RobM My son is also 4.0 and made the Dean’s List. I think for a lot of the PSA students they are determined to prove themselves. My son was VERY disappointed about being PSA and almost took an awesome scholarship offer to another great school. But in the end he decided he did want to go to to A&M and went PSA. He put his head down and killed it at TAMUCC. In the end we are almost glad he went to TAMUCC first. It was a great start to his college career in a smaller atmosphere. He took it seriously and studied hard. We are proud of him. I hope that helps. We are all here to help if you have any questions. Most of here are pros at this PSA business!

I’m so excited for our PSA kiddos! Only one more sleep until final grades are released! I was planning to have my son request transcript tomorrow (19th), but read transcripts won’t be sent until 5/22 (above). Can anyone remind me of the deadline to get in the final transcripts? I think I will be on pins and needles until that green checkmark shows up. Also, my son has a Zoom call with CS on Friday, the 29th from 1:30-3:30. Anyone else have this set up? If so, can you give me an idea of what it is about? I was thinking a transfer orientation of sort, but it doesn’t seem to be enough time to get them their classes/etc. Thanks so much!

Good morning @libbyshims, @OMGdontblink, @JaceyK

Yes, we are nearing the end of our PSA journey …it’s kinda hard to believe. This freshman year at TAMUCC has just flown by!!

Last week my son contacted the Dept that deals with transcripts at CC (think he said it was the registrar?) and in her email reply she said that once final grades are released on 19th May they would would start to be transferred over onto final Spring transcripts on 22nd May so to wait until at least that date or the 23rd before requesting one to be forwarded to CS. I’m conscious that those dates fall over a holiday weekend & are getting close to the end of the month / June 1st deadline…so I called over to transfer admissions at CS and the helpful advisor there said it would be beneficial to make sure the student has a record/proof of when they actually requested the final Spring 2020 transcript from CC. This would help should things not be received at CS by June 1st. She said as long as they HAVE it by June 1st things would be fine …they can process it after that date.

@libbyshims I’m excited by your son’s Zoom call meeting :slight_smile: … was this something he set up by himself or was it an opportunity made available to him that he took advantage of?

Hang in there everyone :wink:

@libbyshims Yes, what is this Zoom call meeting?

@libbyshims We are also very curious about this Zoom meeting. We have not heard anything from CS.

As a parent that experienced all of this last year with TAMUCC, I just want to reiterate that if they got the minimum GPA and all required classes, your student is in and not too stress. I know last year it wasn’t until late June before my daughter was “accepted”. It felt as though they were going through all of the regular transfers first and making decisions before they moved on to PSA, since that was simpler.

Try not to let the stress wear on you, because it may still be a long wait. It is worth it, though. My daughter just completed her first full year at TAMU and is doing great, even with all of the issues everyone has had this semester.

Congratulations and welcome to College Station, even if they may take a while to welcome you. And for those that are curious, yes you student will receive the same Newest, Prodest, Loudest Banner upon official acceptance.

@OMGdontblink @Scotsfi @jaceyk - This was the email he received. :

You have successfully registered to attend the online Online College Station Transfer Information Session event hosted by Texas A&M University’s Office of Admissions.

This online event is scheduled for:

Friday, May 29, 2020 | 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Link will be sent 48 hours prior

I want to say he registered once they reactivated his netID and AIS number? I’ll snoop around his portal and see what I can find out. Either way, I will be sure to let you all know what it is about. It was originally scheduled for that day and then with COVID - moved to zoom.

I think it may just be for students wanting to transfer but not so much those who are auto-transferred like PSA. Either way, I am curious and think he should attend regardless. Will keep you posted!

On another note: kid finished semester with all A’s and an overall GPA of 3.87. :slight_smile:

@libbyshims @Scotsfi @JaceyK
This is what I found online. It looks like an information session about transferring into A&M.

Congrats to all the PSA students who have done so well!

@libbyshims, @OMGdontblink , @Scotsfi

We just ordered my son’s electronic transcript - it specifically says that if you can see their grades entered on their unofficial transcript, then they can order the transcript. And it’s official - he is leaving TAMUCC with a 4.0! With his dual credit, he now has 54 hours with 3.667 GPA (he took online classes during summer and didn’t do well with discipline because you know, well, summer? lol). Now we wait for the receipt of transcript and update on his AIS - I imagine it will still be weeks.

@libbyshims, @JaceyK , @Scotsfi

We just did it too. Electronic and snail mail! Taking no chances! Now we wait but you know we will be checking every single day!

@JaceyK , @OMGdontblink, @libbyshims

Oh my!- Thank you so much for the heads up on this :blush: Thought we were going to have to wait for a few more days yet to be able to request…but
we have just now followed your lead & ordered the electronic transcript copy also.

Fingers crossed for a great tail wind from CC to CS to assist these transcripts on their way in a timely fashion :wink:

And now the real wait begins!!

We ordered last night, also! You can go into the order status on the CC side and see when it was delivered. I take a screen shot of that to have for records just in case I need to call. However, I went back to Feb. when we ordered the Fall semester transcript and it took 2 days to show received in CS and then about 2 weeks for it to hit AIS. This is so exciting and I am so happy for all our kids. What a difference a year makes!

@libbyshims, @JaceyK , @Scotsfi
Still nothing in AIS. Not showing transcript received.