<p>Hey guys,</p>
<p>At my school 10th and 11th graders are required to take the PSAT. Other activities are planned for 9th and 12th graders that day, but my school also offers 9th graders a chance to take it if they fill out a form and pay a $14 fee. My dad thinks I should take it, but my mom doesn't want me to. I'm still not sure if I will or not; I just took both the SAT and the ACT at the end of 8th grade (June 2014). What do you guys think? Also, do colleges look at the PSAT? If they do, do they see the year you take the test posted next to the score? Thanks guys! :)</p>
<p>I wouldn’t bother taking the PSAT now if you’ve already taken the SAT and ACT. Colleges do not look at the PSAT, only the SAT or ACT (because PSAT is a PRACTICE SAT). However, 11th grade PSAT is important because it is the qualifying test for national merit. 10th grade will be enough practice to get a good score on it.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t bother with it, I agree with guinegirl colleges don’t see it and they are changing the test next year so taking it this year won’t help much for the future.</p>
<p>In my county, if you’re in honors English in Middle School, you can take the SAT or ACT for practice. It gives you insight on how it is in high school. I took the SAT in 6th and 7th grade. </p>
<p>Did u take it @dragonfruit18?</p>
<p>I think you should take it because it’s an excellent opportunity for more testing experience. </p>
<p>@averagewhiteguy yeah I did! I thought it was good to see how well I could do on it even though the tests are changing. Plus, it was either take the psat or listen to a 3-hour long bullying seminar.</p>
<p>lol @dragonfruit18 PSAT over bullying seminar any day!</p>
<p>@averagewhiteguy #alldayeveryday </p>
<p>important psa i’m not using the hashtags seriously</p>
<p>@dragonfruit18 did you get your scores back yet? I got a 185
(M: 67 W: 65 CR: 53 (ouch 10 wrong 8 omitted). Still did one of the best in my grade though :-/ </p>
<p>this post is kinda late but im a sophomore now and all of the freshmen in my school is required to take the psat. I think it is definitely worth it because extra practice with no pressure never hurts! Also it gives you a guideline on what you need to study and improve upon so you will be ready in the years to come.</p>
<p>yup late sorry but I hope you took it, even though it cost money. only junior year psat scores matter because they qualify you for national merit, but taking it now is good practice. </p>
<p>@iamnotironman @normanxi thanks guys! i ended up taking it :D</p>
<p>@averagewhiteguy 185 is a good score! I got a 181 (61 CR 65 W 55 M) 7 wrong and 6 ommitted in math… it’s definitely not my strong suit. hey we got the same writing score!
i’m not sure how well i did in my grade since barely anyone took it… i do know this other freshman got a 195 though. idk how i feel about my score… i mean i’m happy with it, but i wish i could’ve done better, you know?</p>
<p>yeah I know @dragonfruit18 a 181 is still damn good for a freshman. Once you learn the math you should be scoring in the 200s easily. Do you have any tips for the CR section? I omitted 5 questions and answered 12 wrong there. I suck at critical reading. Anyhow, you are definitely set. I go to a public high school, and the average score id say for a sophomore is probably about a 130-145, I know we’re retarded :)) But I guess it does’t really matter for you because you will be forced to take the redesigned SAT, however, I will have an opportunity to take both. Its kind of annoying writing this because, my school loans us MacBooks to take home, and the other day, in my pre-calc class, my bros took my computer and programmed it to change “the” to “f<strong><em>”. Unfortunately, I do not know how to change it back lol. So whenever I say “the” in this email, I have to manually prevent it from saying f</em></strong>. Nice talk @dragonfruit18</p>
<p>@dragonfuit18 you did well! i only got a 176 freshman year: 58 58 60, but improved a lot sophomore year: 202; 67 67 68. Looking online this year, some of the questions i missed were pretty careless mistakes, so I know i can do better. It is good knowing this because i made the mistakes when the test didnt count, so in junior year i will be ready to get a higher score. So if youre not too happy with your scores, keep in mind that you have two more years to improve your current score and reach your desired score.</p>
<p>@dragonfruit18, that’s a good score! I got an equivalent score and jumped 40 points my sophomore year, and I’m a nmsf now
So you can do it! I think, in my case, it was a combination of age/maturity, being able to concentrate for a longer period of time, and having taken geometry.</p>
<p>@dragonfruit18 If you want some perspective, most of my friends (all sophomores) got scores in the 160-170 range; I had two that got scores in the 190s? I took a practice SAT freshman year and I got something somewhat similar to your score (1830, which is a 183 on the PSAT; but we don’t talk about the practice SAT because I made some mistakes on the answer sheet -_-). This year (as a sophomore) I got a 216 without studying.</p>
<p>You’re right on track to getting a good score. You did really well, especially in relation to other freshmen. </p>