PSAT national commended, achievement ?'s

<p>Hello, I am 16 year old bi racial(black and white) junior living in Tennessee who scored a 198 on the PSAT Wendesday test date. A 198 is 96 percentile in the nation, and I have heard that commended is top 5 % in the nation so am hoping that I can be commended and possbily NAtional Achievement also. any information would be appreciated, thanks.</p>

<p>State cutoffs determine who receives National Merit Semifinalist standing, but you must have a score of 200 or above to be a National Commended Scholar.</p>

<p>For a biracial student hoping for national achievement commendation or finals, what sort of target scores should I look for???</p>

<p>The cutoff for commend is different every year, but I believe was 200 last year and unlikely to be lower this year. However you will almost certainly get a Naitonal Achievement award. There’s a thread in the parent forum about it. I’m too lazy to look for it, but I believe the cut off was in the 180s last year.</p>

<p>Thanks Mathmom for the info
Also wondering how it might work me being bi racial and all, hopefully no problems…</p>

<p>I have read that generally a 195 or higher will get the National Semi for the southern states at least…</p>