PSAT scores good enough???

<p>So i got my PSAT scores back. I want to apply to andover and mabey exeter i got a 170 as a sophomore, it was in the top 10% at my school but i dont think my scores are that good. Should i take the SSAT's? because i think i could probably score in the 90th percentile??</p>

<p>You should probably take the SSAT and study like crazy for it. You’ll find that generally results on the SSAT are skewed lower therefore making doing well on it “harder” because the only people who take the SSAT are kids seeking admission to selective private schools. Everyone, however, takes the PSAT.</p>

<p>You can submit your PSAT scores, but only do it if you think it will help you. I submitted mine last year when I was a sophomore, but only because my score was 210. There’s a current sophomore in my dorm who scored 219 this year. I’d say he’s definitely well above average, but you have to take into account that these are the types of people you’re “up against” in the admissions process.</p>