PSAT Scores

<p>I took the PSAT this year as a freshman and I scored a 191. The cutoff at our school for national merit scholar is 204. What do you think my chances are of being able to score that next year as a sophmore?</p>

<p>Your score on the PSAT doesn't count for National Merit until you take it in the fall of your junior year, so given the fact that you have nearly two years, I'd say you have a pretty good chance. I don't know what the breakdown for your score was, but I would guess that all your subscores will probably improve simply as a result of what you learn in school in the next two years. In addition, if you put in some time and practice, you should be able to score well above the cutoff. Good luck!</p>

<p>I think there is a very good chance you'll make the cuts. Scores usually increase as you become more familiar with the test.</p>

<p>You can probably do it, but why not pick up an SAT prep book or two from the bookstore to go through just to make sure?</p>

<p>Alright thanks a lot guys. Oh and the breakdown was:
Critical thinking-57, Math-69, and English- 65</p>

<p>Nice job, for freshman year :)</p>