<p>Who else took them today? What did you think?</p>
<p>I took it today. It was just as boring as always...</p>
<p>The second math section was a lot harder than the first. I skipped 3 or 4 questions in that section (but I didn't skip any in the rest of the test). I thought that the critical reading and writing sections were easy.</p>
<p>The last writing section was incredibly easy.</p>
<p>Writing was so ironically easy for me! Last year it was my worst subject, and I think this year I might get a near perfect grade. :D Though I completely screwed up on CR :( which was my strongest subject last year... I had to skip and guess at like 10 questions. Math I think I did better, even though I had to skip a few MC in the second set and like 3-4 grid-ins... though I'm confident that the ones I did answer were right. I'm hoping for atleast 60-70. :(</p>
<p>im a junior and i took it again as practice for the SATs and the PSATs this year seemed easier than the one i took sophomore year</p>
<p>yeah i thought writing was so easy......almost 95% of the questions were no error......why would they make the test like that? it was our lucky day! i hope i am a national merit finalist!!!</p>
<p>The test was a lot easier this year, in my opinion. I felt confident with the first CR Section, both Math sections, and I'm really confident with the writing section, which for me too, ironically my worst from last year. But the second critical reading section is very iffy for me, I may have interepreted the really long passage wrong. </p>
<p>On the bright side, my time management was a lot better this year, I finished with time to double check in both math sections.</p>
<p>yes!!! they were no error, I was so parnoid!!! lol sorry. I thought that the math part 1 was really easy but then when I did part II math, I was like ugh, and only did about a little over half. Plus, I went to the red hot chilli pepper concert the night before and got about 4 hours of sleep! I definitely did not get NMSF.</p>
<p>yeah, the in the error id's I selected just one no error.</p>
<p>I selected more than one no error. However, I think on one of the writing questions I may have changed the meaning of the original sentence. Other than that, everything was fine, but the math section was a bit tough.</p>
<p>Crap...I didn't have a lot of no error.</p>
<p>There was only one error.</p>
<p>I had a few more no error's in the improving sentences, but as said, only 1 in the error id's. </p>
<p>The second math section was definitely tough. :( Like the 3-digit odd numbers, or the revolutions, and the area of the pentagon... and some others. :(</p>
<p>the three digit odd number one was 125, which i got right, and the radius of the wheel one was 7.5.....i didnt get that one.......and the pentagon one was 3.5....i got that one too. i also missed the train in the tunnel problem....</p>
<p>by the way, my other post on this thread was a joke.</p>
<p>you guys there are different versions right? like i had form w. because on my writing section there were only like 2 with no error and im like 99.9% sure there were errors in all the ones i chose. anyway..critical reading wasn't too hard but sometimes you're not sure on those. math...so-so.</p>
<p>Area of quadrilateral (almost-a-triangle thingy in the grid) 3.5</p>
<p>Train in the tunnel 1200</p>
<p>Rst rectangle box square root</p>
<p>Which one could be a triangle 7,8,9</p>
<p>How many odd numbers 125</p>
<p>How many students 18</p>
<p>Ratio of the wheel- 7.5</p>
<p>What cant have a remainder of 5 5</p>
<p>Ecdf - e>d>c>f</p>
<p>Cost to mail the package 2.5</p>
<p>F(K) G(K) 0</p>
<p>Answer to a grid in 6007</p>
<p>X-K 0</p>
<p>Average - 280</p>
<p>T in terms of A - -14a</p>
<p>square root of x - 3 = 8 - 120</p>
<p>how many months had more than the previous month graph - 3</p>
<p>possible value of x that would make (x-2.73)(x-3.45) negative - 3, could be others</p>
<p>0<a<b<6<c<d (grid in) - 9</p>
<p>what was the 620th digit in the sequence - 9</p>
<p>calendar with july and august - saturday</p>
<p>perpendicular line to y=mx+b - -1/2....can anyone else confirm this?</p>
<p>Critical Reading:</p>
<p>Sentence Completion:
Applause- tacit</p>
<p>Something about corporate people and profit vaunted</p>
<p>Modern critic its looking like most people think its incontrovertible/trouble </p>
<p>Beach Short Passage:
Youthful adventurousness</p>
<p>Around the world Short Passage:
Authors attitude toward man - Indifferent/critical (so far it is split about 50/50)</p>
<p>Smooth - suave</p>
<p>Spanish Long Passage:
hum constant presence</p>
<p>expand spread</p>
<p>why was the author unfair to Spanish one historical process to its spread</p>
<p>Robot Long Passage:
mindchildren- they were offspring and will surpass</p>
<p>Danish African Long Passage:
raise be put up for consideration</p>
<p>exercise use</p>
<p>pain in art with the quote from someone who knew her - transmuting the pain into art</p>
<p>which of the following best expresses the claim that Dinesen was a "great mythmaker- Dinesen constructed a public identity as carefully as she constructed her stories</p>
<p>The parenthetical phrase - emphasize that Dinesen's life is not easily distinguished from the myth</p>
<p>phoenix she was regenerated after a disappointment and became a successful artist</p>
<p>Fourth paragraph is unique because - is critical of Dinesen's character</p>
<p>The comment implies that - Dinesen's behavior cannot be evaluated in absolute moral terms</p>
<p>which best contrasts Dineson in Kenya and in Denmark - An awe-inspiring figure versus a contradictory individual</p>
<p>Genetically Modified Food Passages:
What would passage 2 say about the risks acceptable or slight....this one is also split.....its looking like acceptable</p>
<p>John and I wrong, should be john and me.</p>
<p>Indonesia jewels wrong, suspending should be suspended</p>
<p>inspire wrong, should be inspired by, not inspired from"</p>
<p>"visual to" - this one was about climbing a mountain and being able to see the city, but it was wrong because it said "visual to" instead of "visible"</p>
<p>"the service that has increased in cost is" - hospital care</p>
<p>"little advances have been made toward civil rights" - no error</p>
<p>also, at the end of the critical reading section, there were 3 Ds and then 3 Cs</p>
<p>Does everyone across the nation take the same test? or are there different versions?</p>
<p>Those who took it on the 18th had the same test nationwide. The Saturday testing will have a different version.</p>
<p>darn i got the phoenix, paranthetical phrase, constructing identity and the pain in art one wrong! and i said slight, not acceptable. and i left the innocuous one blank. dashg;qhgkhqsgkhdqsgk..at least im only a sophomore</p>