Hi I have a question I’m thinking about taking PSEO and an upper classmen told be that unless your get into the U of MN PSEO program there is no point in taking it and I applied to North Hennipen Community college. So I was wondering if collges will transfer my PSEO credits to their college when I actually do get into college like will the U of MN accept PSEO credits from North Hennipen or what are other colleges that will?
Hey, MN PSEO student here (online at U of Northwestern-St. Paul but I have a lot of friends who go to Inver Hills or Normandale for PSEO)! The U of MN will accept most PSEO credits from other schools, especially state universities and community colleges because it’s so common to do two years at one of those schools and then transfer to the U. North Hennepin will be fine, although if you want to eventually go to a four year school I would also consider Normandale in Bloomington as it’s generally considered one of the better community colleges in the state and it does really well with transfers.
There are transfers guides for each college so you can see if the class you are taking will transfer. There is also a specific CSE guide so you can see if a class will work for their pre-reqs. Look under transfer student info.
Perhaps the point the older student was making was that some colleges might be impressed more by your taking classes at the U of MN than at a community college. But the community college credits would transfer to the U and elsewhere.