<p>I am dismayed by the recent release of PSP statistics. The statistics from last year indicated that 532 students were named semifinalists. We were also told that early applicants, i.e prior to Oct 1, would be notified of their status earlier, but would otherwise not have a competitive advantage. However, current data shows that 250 semifinalists were named out of 1540 early apps, and that there are about 4000 Oct 31 apps. If the same # of semifinalists as last year are named, this leaves only 282 remaining spots out of the 4000 apps, a distinct DISADVANTAGE to late application! Does anyone have any more information to allay my concerns or provide additional exploration?</p>
<p>you assume that the quality of people applying early and late is the same. at most schools, the quality of early and regular apps is a bit different. is there any reason they would not take anyone who made the cut based on quality?</p>
<p>I on going on the assumption that Oct 31 PSP applicants are still early applicants, but may not have sent in their apps by Oct 1 if they were told there would not be an advantage to this. I do hope that they will invite all qualified applicants to be PSP semifinalists, but if they must limit the scholarship dollars (which surely must be the case), then the % of semifinalists proceeding to finalists must go down significantly.</p>
<p>Since it is a non-binding, non-EA, non-ED early applicant, why should the quality of early applicant be any better than Oct 31st, or regular applicant. They just happen to be better informed. I understand ED folks are self-selecting, and better qualified for that school. water_man where did you get the stats from?</p>
<p>Stats were recently placed on PSP website.
[Georgia</a> Institute of Technology :: President’s Scholarship Program :: Home](<a href=“http://www.psp.gatech.edu/]Georgia”>http://www.psp.gatech.edu/)</p>
<p>Well apparently there is an advantage to apply by October 1st. If not, why else would they call October 1st their “priority deadline?”</p>
<p>To encourage some group of people to not wait to the last minute to apply? </p>
<p>The average person who applies by Oct. 1 could be a bit different from the one who applies by Oct. 31, no?</p>