PSU vs. Northeastern?

<p>I have been accepted to both schools, and was just wondering what some of the pros/cons are of each school with regard to campus/social life, academics, future job prospects, etc...
Finance is not really an issue because I got a scholarship to Northeastern which basically makes the cost equal.
Also, I was accepted to the Smeal College of Business for PSU and The College of Business Administration for NEU.
I was also wondering for both schools if it is possible to double major across colleges because i am thinking of an economics/political science double major.</p>

<p>Any input would be appreciated, thanks!</p>

<p>Hmm, I don’t know the details, but I know PSU is ranked in the 40s while NE is ranked in the 90s. I also got into NE (Pharmacy with schoarlship) but I’m STILL waiting for PSU even though I sent my app in in Oct.</p>

<p>Is location important to you. Is the szie of the school important to you?
Academically, I would choose PSU. Smeal has a great reputation.</p>

<p>PSU all the way, but you have to keep in mind that University Park is a rural campus. State College is a nice little community, but it ain’t Boston by any means, for better or worse. A visit to each is mandatory.</p>

<p>Well like said before City vs Rural is a question (tho I dont know If I would consider PSU “rural” as it has 40k+ students around campus ;).) Also one thing you should think about is the coop program and NEU vs PSU. I believe NEU forces you to do coops where as its not required for PSU (At least it was that way back when I was making my decisions back in 06 ;). I got into both as well and I ultimately chose PSU because I had so much fun visiting. Also if NEU is a COOP school youd have to consider a different social life as people are constantly popping in and out :P. Ultimately you can succeed at either. Id say if you wish to work in PA or below the mason-dixon I def would pick PSU.</p>

<p>Overall like I said I liked Penn State more ;).</p>

<p>Ok I have one child at Penn State (a senior) and a freshman at Northeastern in the pharmacy program. Both are great schools. I can’t say I prefer one over the other. Both love their schools, and both are involved in greek life. I would say academically they are very similar. There is plenty to do at Penn State, and of course Boston is unreal. You should visit both schools and see which you feel you connect with. </p>

<p>When my son was making his decision last year he also got into both with a scholarship at Northeastern. So it made both schools pretty much financially equal. He picked Northeastern because Penn State has no pharmacy program. Also he felt that he didn’t want to go to college with kids he knew from high school, even though I don’t think thats an issue as Penn State is so big. You are not forced to do a coop at Northeastern, but most students do. The co-op does not deter from the students social life. My son has many friends now in his frat who are on co-op. Good luck with your decision.</p>

<p>thanks for all the input. I will be visiting both schools in february</p>

<p>Where do you get the college rankings?</p>


<p>[US</a> News & World Report - Breaking News, World News, Business News, and America’s Best Colleges -](<a href=“”></p>

<p>Click on rankings.</p>