Chances for Princeton,Duke,Wahington!!!Please

<p>Hi, I am a senior applying to Princeton,Duke,Wahington, and various other top universities. Please evaluate my chances at these universities.</p>

<p>My stats are:
SAT - 2240/2400 (730-CR,790-M,720-WR)
SAT II - Math IIC - 800, Chemistry - 800
GPA: Unweighted - 3.995 (1 B freshman year) Weighted - 6.02
Rank: 1/510
1 sophomore year -5
4 junior year - 5s in all of them
8 Senior year - score - don't know yet</p>

Written a research paper under professors guidance
Treasurer Science Club
Mu Alpha Theta
64 hospital volunteer hours
approx. 250 hours wrking at the library
Peer tutoring - during lunch for past 3 years.
Cisco Netwroking </p>

NMSQ Commended Student
KEY Scholars Award
Bausch and Laumb Award
AP Scholar award Distinction</p>

<p>I am planning to take my 3rd SAT Subject test(Biology)this November. I expect a score of over 760. If I don' take it, how will be my chances affected, especially for Princeton.</p>

<p>im pretty sure that for princeton u need 3 satiis</p>

what kinda wack grading system does your school use. 6.02?</p>

<p>Bah, Valedictorian + 4.0 + 2 800s. Good job, assh0le.</p>

<p>JK, you're looking pretty good, except your ECs are lackluster.</p>

<p>I spoke witht the Priceton Undergrad staff and they told me that i can still apply with only 2 satii. but what i want to know is that will this affect my chances badly by submitting only 2. in other words will taking an additional sat ii make or break my admition.</p>

<p>I'd have to say your ECs would put you in the category of the more than 50% of vals rejected at Princeton. Yes to Duke and washington.</p>

<p>take three for sure....if you're confident that you'll get over a 700 in bio, then why should it matter anyways</p>

<p>Strong applicant to Duke and WashU. Somewhat above average applicant to Princeton though your SAT score - although above the Princeton median - and your so-so ECs may hinder you there. I'd say accepted at Duke and WashU and waitlisted at Princeton.</p>

<p>Also, if everybody else is submitting three SAT2s and you only submit 2, that can only hurt your chances at Princeton. On the other hand, a third SAT2 above 760 can only help, and may even prove the difference.</p>

<p>bump please!!!</p>