Public Health w/ Social Science Concentration

<p>I'm interested in hearing from JHU students familiar with the Public Health major/Social Science concentration. What has been your experience with the curriculum and internships? How is it perceived vis-a-vis the Natural Science concentration. I understand that Public Health is a popular major at JHU --- is that a problem for getting into needed or desired classes? What is the approximate split among PH majors between the Social Science and Natural Science concentrations? Is it common for PH majors (in either concentration) to take advanced classes at the Bloomberg School? Do PH undergrads have any special social events or groups? I'm just trying to get a feel for what it's like to be an undergrad with a PH major at JHU.</p>

<p>A student I know … not a member of College Confidential … sent me this response to your question:</p>

<p>Wren - Senior at JHU - Public Health (social science concentration)</p>



<p>I also suggest that you might want to connect with one of the students on Hopkins Interactive ([Hopkins</a> Interactive](<a href=“]Hopkins”> Her name is Jessica and she is also a Public Health (social science concentration) student:</p>

<p>JHU<em>Jessica’s Profile: [Hopkins</a> Interactive >> Student Profiles >> Jessica K.](<a href=“]Hopkins”>
Ask JHU</em>Jessica a Question: [Hopkins</a> Forums -> Meet JHU_Jessica](<a href=“Hentai 44 - Hentai porn”>Hentai 44 - Hentai porn)
Her Blog: [Roxi</a> & Jessica: Caught in Between](<a href=“]Roxi”></p>

<p>This is very helpful. Thank you very much!</p>