Public Relations

Does anyone have any information specific to the Public Relations Major?
For example, how are the classes and professors?
Internship opportunities?
Is there room for a double major (for example Marketing? Advertising?)
Suggestions for a minor?
Would Business be a better major upon graduation?
Thank you!

Not sure why my post doesn’t show up as a link? but most of your questions are answered there :slight_smile:

UA Students Win International Advertising Pitch Contest
PRSSA Presidents Cross Paths
UA Students Present to BMW
APR Curriculum Update Town Hall
University of Alabama public relations graduate wins Rising PR Stars 30 and Under award

Thanks so much for the replies! I had read the FAQ and info online, but I was hoping to hear from some current and/or former students or parents of those majors with any personal experiences or tips.

Timely article:

There’s a mom on here whose DD is in PR. I’ll see if she’ll post a response.


edit…Just talked to her…she’ll post later this afternoon.

One mom posted the following on the UA Parents facebook page about PR…

““They have changed the curriculum for new students. You now have areas of specialization in addition to minor. My Dd is minoring in management and going to be able to get her MBA and BA in 4-5 years. She could have double majored in business but wants to get her MBA rather than 2 bachelors. She is interning at Boeing but got it on her own. She has found the career center very helpful though. I don’t do CC but you can post my response and if they want to FB message me I’ll be glad to answer questions.””

My DD is a junior and staying under the OLD catalog. She is a NMF and chose BAMA because of it’s highly ranked PR department…she had a good deal of AP credits, so will complete a degree in PR, a different degree in the Biz school in Marketing and a Spanish minor…in four years. The PR school has many “weed out” classes and is challenging…definitely NOT the path for an easy MRS. degree as some seem to assume. DD has been thrilled with the high level of expectations, and has learned much more than she anticipated and the upper level classes will be even better! The student-run CAPSTONE AGENCY is an amazing opportunity and she is an actual account exec for a big national carmaker! The profs are so very willing to help motivated students; one found her a six-week internship where she could use her now-refined Spanish fresh off her UA Study Abroad experience earlier this summer. The faculty care, they are respected in the world-wide advertising/pr community and kids who graduate at the top of the program get awesome careers in this competitive field. No down side except for the hard work required to excel.