Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

@profdad2021 I was not asked to send 1st quarter grades but my high schools sends them automatically to the EA and ED schools we apply to and if we go RD then they send 1 semester if we haven’t heard yet.

Ok so reading the last few years decision threads notices come out on Friday’s …little difference in times so I can’t say exactly what time they are posted. Also did see pretty consistently that it really depends on what school you apply to. Engineering has so many more applicants than any other college so they take a lot longer. This is consistent year over year. So don’t worry. Decisions are coming. Good Luck everyone!

Does Purdue sent an email with decision or we need to periodically check status on their website.

Not sure, but in late afternoon today I plan on checking both email and Purdue application status portal with the portal probably the safest bet.

@cxzbnm --they send an email to the students email and also to the parents email on the same day the portal acceptance shows.

Still waiting for notification for D, hopefully today…!
Submitted Date: 10/19/2016
Application checklist completed Date: 10/21/2016
Intended Major: Bio-Medical Engineering
GPA (uw, w): 3.95 unweighted /4.375 weighted
SAT/ACT Scores: 34 Comp
State (IN, oos, int’l): Out of State - IL

Hey guys, just wanted to add something… I’m not sure if it’s the same for everyone, but my portal reflected my acceptance a few hours before I got an email (I just went back to check the time stamp on the email). So check the portal! Best of luck :slight_smile:

Just checked portal, got admitted, not sure about the Major!

Submitted Date: 10/19/2016
Application checklist completed Date: 10/21/2016
Intended Major: Bio-Medical Engineering
GPA (uw, w): 3.95 unweighted /4.375 weighted
SAT/ACT Scores: 34 Comp
State (IN, oos, int’l): Out of State - IL

Son’s portal just changed to "You’re In. Boiler UP! on the first page. But the letter is not uploaded yet.

My daughter just logged into her application portal and …she’s been accepted! The decision just got posted this afternoon. No email notification yet, though. She’s an out of state applicant, though, and so will be waiting anxiously to learn about merit aid. Fingers crossed for her and for everybody else. Hopefully lots of decisions get posted today.

On my portal, a new button popped up that says “view your application decisions” ( this button just popped up in the last few hours) .I clicked the button and it said “There is no update to your application status to report”. Do yall know what this means?

@profdad2021 Congratulations to your daughter! When was the application completed?

Still waiting on mine. Is there any chance they will release it today or do they release all of them at once?

@SuperSumedh was there a big YOU’RE IN! Boiler up! Thing when you first logged on or is nothing working?

@c011e9e No, nothing like that yet. But hopefully, it’s coming soon!

My son just got accepted this afternoon:
Submitted Date: 10/18/2016
Application checklist completed Date: 10/21/2016
Intended Major: Bio-Medical Engineering
GPA (uw, w): 3.9 unweighted /4.41 weighted
SAT/ACT Scores: old SAT 2100, 740 Reading, 700 Math, 660 Writing
State (IN, oos, int’l): Out of State - TX

Did anybody hear back from the Honors College? I applied but just in time for the cut-off (November 1).

Are decisions still coming out? I applied on 10/19/16 and haven’t heard anything.

It was there you just never noticed it before @SuperSumedh. Good luck! You’ll hear soon enough!

@Islandnerd don’t worry it depends on the college you applied to and specifically the area so it won’t be long now! Good luck!