Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

My daughter completed her application on October 22. Got accepted into engineering. I’m betting that the ton of students who applied anywhere near close to the Nov.1 deadline (to be considered for Honors College/merit aid) got stuck in that crowd and Purdue is probably going to take awhile to catch up. But I’m glad that mine heard today.

Just the acceptance came today. No word on Honors College or merit aid. I know that merit aid decisions are supposed to start being made near the end of December. Don’t know about Honors College.

Hello! I am still unfortunately waiting to hear back :frowning:
My app was submitted 10/16 and my last item was processed 11/2.
GPA: 3.88/4 UW & 6.12/6 W (6 pt. scale)
ACT: 31 C, 33 M, 33 S, 29 R, 27 E
Intended Major: Civil Engineering
I am really hoping to hear back by next week!
fingers crossed

My son got his response today. First choice was FYE Mechanical Engineering. Purdue came back saying choose an alternative major at another college. He’s not interested in another college. Disappointed because we thought he had a good case - high grades, reasonable ACT (32 superscored) and great extracurriculars. US citizen living abroad and submitted app on Nov 1. Is Engineering oversubscribed this year? What gives?

To vivekiego: I’m so sorry your son didn’t get into FYE. Such a disappointment and I’d bet, there really is no logical explanation. This whole process seems so random. Clearly he was a good candidate. If he is willing, it could be in his best interests to look at other colleges at Purdue and give it a shot. The Purdue Polytechnic Institute is worth a look and they have extra merit scholarships to apply for too. And I think that it is possible to transfer from the PPI over to engineering. It’s got to be upsetting to lose it as a great first option, but something like the Polytechnic Institute could be a pretty great “back-up” school.

Accepted into engineering college! Applied 10/17 with an interest in mechanical. 35 ACT, 3.97 GPA out of 4.

@APcredit, similar stats (35 act, 3.9 GPA with 12
APs) but I haven’t heard back. How did they notify you?

@Blue1998 Going by the reports of others in this thread, they seem to be releasing decisions about 5 weeks from the date the application was deemed complete. That may be why you haven’t heard yet.
Good luck!

@blue1998 It appears decisions are released weekly, on Friday afternoons, first on the applicant portal and then via email afterwards. Best of luck to you!

Just got my rejection email! This came as a shock I have a 3.8 UW and 35 comp! My grandparents and parents have gone to Purdue and I’m a national merit scholar. I have taken 7 APs (three 5s and four 4s). I’m part of my school’s debate team, lego robotics program, and LGBTQ community. I only applied to Purdue; thank god it’s rolling so I have time to apply to my second choice, Umass.

@WillBurns I’m shocked as well, but you have greats stats and will definitely get into a good school!

@WillBurns Shocking. I would assume that they should take you in a heartbeat. Before you apply to another college, have your application reviewed from a third person and see if there is any glaring issue that need to be corrected

This makes no sense, including getting an email today, when they only have released decisions on Fridays.

@Tech2Be What was your major? Did you apply later or earlier on in the year? (You’ve got me nervous now xD)

@PAwind98 It’s not me making you nervous, it’s @WillBurns !

Got into FYE
3.95 UW
30 ACT (29 math and 34 English)
EC stuff:
Self taught AutoCAD; did some work for a local plant

Out of state
White male

Congrats! @foeyguy When did you apply? When were you notified? I wonder if it’s unusual for FYE candidate to have much higher ACT Eng score than Math as you do.


Thank you!
Yes, I finished my application on October 26th…pretty sure at least…

I was notified on Dec. 3rd.

Yeah, my math score is rather low. I had extenuating circumstances that bit my butt leading to subpar math education.

I would say it’s unusual. I think the average ACT math score is somewhere in the 30s.

@Willburns : I think you have just made things up to throw people off. I agree with @Tech2Be

@candypurple Sorry for replying late… I was busy applying other public schools… Mom loves Purdue but I prefer somewhere warmer.

I did send my SAT scores, but I couldn’t tell when they were received because “SAT scores” was not shown on my checklist. CB fulfilled my request on Nov. 2nd.
I am sorry for I will not post my stats here. But I’d say my scores are pretty decent for Purdue. 110+ on TOEFL, many 5s on AP exams, etc.

Good luck every one!