Purdue Class of 2027 Official Thread

I find it absolutely hilarious calling a school as a safety after u got waitlisted from it fr… Purdue overall acceptance rate is rumored to be around 33 percent , CS acceptance rate is sub 10 (around 8) and Engineering is between 15-20… So maybe something was lacking in ur application fr…


This tbh guys those who got waitlisted, It is mainly because purdue is trying to compensate for the overenrollment… so yeah

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Purdue admitted nearly 5,000 fewer students last fall, purchased a new dorm complex, and I’ve seen none of the Fall 2021 reports of overcrowding. What’s the basis for stating that they are compensating for over-enrollment?

If it’s true today was nothing but waitlists, that’s a disappointing approach to admissions, IMO.

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Anyone still awaiting a decision? I would have thought to have heard by now.

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i completely agreee disappointing approach fs, but the overenrollment of 2020 needs definitely a few more years of compensation… Especially the fact, they received a grant and they are trying to make the business school top notch as well.

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P sure this is the last wave and all decisions are released


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I’m unable to paste a screenshot, but it looks like a decision has not been made, idk. Thanks though!

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I’m sure it’s Purdue’s loss to miss on out on your graciousness and positivity, as well as your ability to grasp the reality of statistics.


Same application got me into Michigan, CMU, Cornell and a few other much higher ranked CS programs. My application was fine, I didn’t EA Purdue that’s all, they knew I was not gonna go, and that would hurt their yield rate if they offered me acceptance. Congrats to all who made it, great program.


Purdue is very transparent that students need to do EA for popular majors. EA is not binding so no reason not to submit the application by the deadline.


You are right. I should have EA and shown more demonstrated interest. I still wasn’t gonna go, I already got into my #1 choice, but my ego would not get hurt :slight_smile:

I didn’t apply EA to Purdue and got in for CS

You were lucky!

For students who are planning on applying next cycle, apply EA for your best opportunity for acceptance and also for consideration for merit $ and honors.


I haven’t get any decision yet from Purdue. Something wrong.
I couldn’t find anything on my application status page.
Does Purdue send a rejection email or notification?

Hi! I am on the same boat. Application Status shows Complete. No decision yet at least on the website. Does it mean Rejection?

Curious if anyone’s student was offered their 2nd choice major in addition to the waitlist for 1st choice? My daughter applied EA for engineering and 2nd choice math. No mention of math when she was waitlisted yesterday for engineering. Thanks for info.!

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Please let us know when you get the decision. I will do that, too.

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Ours only mentioned being waitlisted for the first choice, CS.

Any idea how many students are admitted off the wait-list?

The only waitlist data I’ve seen is from the CDS, which is school-wide, not by college/major.

Last year, 13,290 students were offered waitlist, 5,548 joined the waitlist, and 19 were admitted.

The previous year was 6,048, 3,442, and 13.

The last big year for waitlist admissions was the 2019 class, with 5,755 offered, 3,378 joining, and 1,542 admitted.

I have no idea how conservative they may have been this year with acceptances, or how yield might work out.