Purdue Global?

Does anyone know anything or have any thoughts about Purdue Global? I heard a commercial on the radio for them yesterday. I have seen that they are the former Kaplan University that has been purchased by Purdue. I have a lot of respect for Purdue, but don’t know much about Kaplan. My son is a mature student interested in going back to school for cybersecurity. Thanks!

Here is a news article about Purdue Global. It seems to be very inexpensive for Purdue employees to take classes


I thought Kaplan was in Davenport Iowa, so I don’t quite understand if they moved the school and faculty?
It seems to be an on line program, if I understand it correctly.

Yes I chatted with a rep and I’m so happy they have this opportunity now. I have my AA in Psychology and messed up and now have to pay a lot to return. This program was acquired by Purdue and is for instate tuition it is only $200/cr. There’s also a tuition cap. I’m trying my hardest to go back as now they have more options for BA degrees and now have MA degrees that weren’t available before when I went. The degree would be awarded as PURDUE! I can’t wait to finish my degree in psychology and am able to work on my masters at the same time without trying to find a school in another state. If you’re concerned just go to the Purdue Global site and either call or chat online with someone. Hope this helps!

And I am too! So happy they are doing this don’t hesitate I looked into this and have my AA degree from IPFW here and they didn’t even have these options for degrees then. It’s only $200/credit hour for in state. If you’re concerned please call Purdue Global or chat online! I can now get my BA in I/O psychology AND work on my MA!


Be careful about Kaplan or for profit. Read the fine print.

I attended Kaplan beginning in 2013 and it eventually shifted to Brightspace, and now Purdue Global after I graduated in 2018. I recommend it, I went to a top 50 under-grad program UC Irvine, and I still think I have a chance at UCI MBA with that on my academic resume! The exams can be very difficult though which can hurt the GPA, I finished with a 3.14 for my Masters of Science in Financial Planning.

Does anyone know how a Kaplan/Purdue online degree with be distinguished from a Purdue Lafayette degree or a Purdue Northwest degree? Will all degrees read “Purdue University” so you won’t be able to determine if a student graduated from Kaplan Online vs. Lafayette?


I believe that all Purdue degrees have language about the location of the school on the diploma. Before changing the heading to Purdue University Northwest, under the awarded major, the diploma read: “in recognition of the fulfillment of the requirements of the degree awarded at Purdue Northwest (or whichever campus)…” Main campus degrees say “awarded in West Lafayette”.

I think there is no worry worry about a Purdue main campus degree being confused with a Purdue Global degree.

Agree about no confusion in Indiana / Midwest, not so sure about the coasts and international, especially as Purdue Global gains traction & the overall reputation of for-profit universities.

Purdue Global is confusing for those a couple of states away or more. Until this post I didn’t realize they were not part of the traditional Purdue campuses. They are relentless in the email they send advertising. In our experience, I found they probably got my kids info from the regular Purdue but they do not tailor the information to what was sent in by the student. Thus the kids think traditional Purdue was not listening or does not care and off the list all of them go

Purdue Global is for adult, non traditional students, looking to take classes online. Personally I wish they choose another name but I really don’t think students graduating from Purdue main campus are going to have a problem with employers being confused.

Agree that they should re-brand the online for-profit institution.


It blurs the distinctions between non-profit and for-profit.
It confuses the mission of academic institutions—in this case the research mission of Purdue University.
It muddies the brand of a distinguished university, perhaps especially internationally.
The reportedly complex contractual details are by no means risk-free.

If the curriculum was outsourced or developed by a third party, it’s not a true Purdue degree. There are many large, nonprofit universities who actually take the degrees they have on campus and work with learning designers to deliver that curriculum with some modification online. These are mostly taught by the same professors who teach on campus. They don’t have large marketing budgets to spam you to death. Consider the more established online state schools in the top ten, like Penn State.

You do know, on-line students have to learn the same things as on-site students, just in faster pace! On-line students have to be self motivated and individuals who has to make sacrifices to go to school. If these schools doesn’t provided adequate educations and pass non- qualified students they won’t be accredited.

Out sourced!!! Do you even know what your are talking about!
There is a basic guide line to follow for accreditation for all schools, even for Harvard University!

“If the curriculum was outsourced or developed by a third party, it’s not a true Purdue degree”

I don’t even know what this is supposed to mean.

If you receive a degree from an organization that’s part of the Purdue educational system then you, by definition, have a Purdue degree.

It’s also true that a Purdue online degree is very different from a Purdue Lafayette degree. It’s no different that other state universities with flagship and satellite campuses.

“You do know, on-line students have to learn the same things as on-site students, just in faster pace!”

I’m pretty sure that a student taking Econ 101 on-site in the 4 week Maymester is learning at a faster pace than someone taking the on-line course over a standard 15 week semester. Delivery channel in no way defines the speed of learning.

Yes they have to learn the same things … if they’re taking the same course. I’d be surprised if Purdue Global, for example, offers the senior-year Heat and Mass Transfer course.

A different name might have been a good idea. While there is a Global Engineering program at Purdue, you can’t get an Engineering degree at Purdue Global.