Purdue (Honors) X UMich

<p>First of all, I know this is a Purdue section, yet I thought I could come in here and hear some wise opinions about my current issue.</p>

<p>I have been recently accepted at University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) to the Aerospace Engineering program. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on my decision from Purdue. With my current stats, I believe I should get in the Honors program at both universities.</p>

<p>I looked up for the honors programs they offer at UMich and I found out that they are generally weak when compared to other universities' [honors] programs. In fact, they basically just add some business classes to your engineering major.</p>

<p>Finally, predicting a scenario in which I will have to decide between Purdue's Honors Program and UMich's [standard] one, I would appreciate hearing some suggestions and insights to better take a final decision.</p>

<p>Many thanks for your attention.</p>

<p>I’m honestly not sure if honors designation in college really helps you in the long run for jobs and applying to grad school and such. But I do think that a university’s ranking, how much it’ll cost, and internship opportunities are more important factors in a college decision. I think I heard from a friend that Purdue’s aerospace program is like #3 in the country? or at least it’s pretty high up in the rankings. If I were you, I might just pick Purdue because of that ranking.</p>

<p>and actually I believe you have to have at least a 2050 SAT score and a certain gpa to be invited to Purdue engineering honors college. The honors invitation is solely based on Stats lol</p>

<p>Thank you for your reply, John. Looking now on USNews.com, I see that, in fact, UMich is the #3, while Purdue is #4 in the ranking for Aerospace Engineering. Yet, I am in doubt whether being in the Purdue’s Honors College would be better or not than being at UMich.</p>

<p>wow, didn’t know umich was up there too
but anyways, here is all about purdue’s honors
<a href=“https://engineering.purdue.edu/ENE/Academics/FirstYear/Honors[/url]”>School of Engineering Education - School of Engineering Education - Purdue University;
it seems like an intensive program, but i would also suggest visiting both universities to get a feel for them to see if you want to go there. While there, you could also ask staff how the honors programs would help you in the long run.</p>

<p>Too bad I live in Brazil and won’t be able to visit both institutions. I kinda only have one shot for one kill :/</p>

<p>Here you go John. Check out the overall rankings of undergraduate engineering programs. Prepared to be shocked. ;-)</p>

<p>[Best</a> Undergraduate Engineering Programs - Best Colleges - Education - US News](<a href=“http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/spec-doct-engineering]Best”>http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/spec-doct-engineering)</p>


<p>I am deeply in love with Purdue and its my #1 university and everything, but seriously, michigan, while more expensive, has way more prestige, and if your wanting employers to pick u up right away, michigan is definitely gonna secure such a thing.</p>

<p>But since u are doing engineering, purdue looks really good for employers, just depends on where you are looking for job and what u plan on doing.</p>

<p>Ive never been to Brazil, but if u havent researched, Ann Arbor and West Lafayette are okay towns. Most students spend time on campus; sports at Purdue are particularly better this season, but u never know next season cuz they got a new football coach</p>

<p>just depends on what ur into, but yea they are both amazing schools and will guarantee you success where u want to go</p>

<p>Hello, iCrazy4Loko</p>

<p>I appreciate your entry on this topic. </p>

<p>You mentioned that UMich graduates have better chances of a ‘right away job’. Would you mind telling me how you draw such conclusion?</p>

<p>Thank you for your attention so far!</p>

<p>I actually disagree with iCrazy4Loko about Michigan being a better pick overall.
I agree with his engineering comment though.</p>

<p>Wall Street Journal conducted a survey where job recruiters ranked the top 25 schools based on where they go to look for job applicants (the top-notch ones).
[Best</a> Colleges & Universities - Ranked by Job Recruiters - WSJ.com](<a href=“Best Colleges & Universities - Ranked by Job Recruiters - WSJ”>Best Colleges & Universities - Ranked by Job Recruiters - WSJ)</p>

<p>Purdue was ranked 4th overall and 2nd in engineering.
UMich was ranked 6th overall and 6th in engineering.
Theses are pretty close. Therefore, it probably doesn’t matter that much. But, Purdue is ranked higher.</p>

<p>sleepandrum, that’s an interesting ranking. Thank you for sharing.</p>

<p>However, I found it to be quite odd that top universities such as MIT and Cornell are ranked so low. Do you have any insight into this fact?</p>

<p>To bring another point, Purdue is ranked 56 on USnews and Umich is 29 overall. In regards to Engineering, Purdue is ranked 8th and Mich 7th. To be honest, since you are going to honors program, it is really your pick. </p>

<p>[College</a> Rankings | Best Colleges | US News](<a href=“http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/rankings]College”>http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/rankings)</p>

<p>By the way, Michigan’s tuition is much higher( around 10k) from Purdue.</p>

<p>I don’t have any factually evidence into why MIT and such rank so low, but I have a theory supported by some logic. Haha.
People who go there are bright of course, but they are usually people people. MIT students are stereotyped as being introverted and geeky for a reason. I am not saying this is true, but job recruiters probably do take this into account. They want someone who is smart, but also is a people person and isn’t too intellectually stuck-up (the people I know going to MIT and Cornell are this).</p>

<p>If I were you, Sandro, I would look at the other things that the schools have to offer.
UMich costs more.
Both have Big 10 sports.
Purdue apparently has better dining options and housing options on campus.
UMich supposedly has a better greek life.
It snows less at Purdue.</p>

<p>Either choice would be a good pick. Just weigh out what is important to you.</p>

<p>actually when I did an MIT interview with a an MIT alumnus who is a professor at Purdue told me why purdue is ranked higher than MIT as far as jobs go. At MIT, he said the education, at least the engineering education, is more focused on why and how things work. At MIT, their education is more focused on how and why rather than just doing the job. btw, people who think how and why, I think, are more researchers than job workers. At purdue, the education, at least the engineering, is more focused on preparing you for the job. Therefore, employers want people who can do the job well. not people who think how and why. The differences in education basically determine this.</p>

<p>ik in the country from where my parents came from (india) they think of purdue as literally harvard cuz half the nation’s engineering students almost always apply there</p>

<p>but i say that michigan is a better pick(in terms of academics) because it is literally perfectly rounded. with top ranking undergrad, coupled with largely successful grad schools, it has become a truly comprehensive university in the past few decades (though their athletics have dropped in the past few years)</p>

<p>i was originally in love with michigan, but then saw that i didnt have the grades to really get in OoS. so my eyes fell on purdue which is comparable academically and is similar because its a huge big 10 school and its away from home :wink: </p>

<h2>but seriously, dont base ur pick on rankings, if schools are within 5 spots of each other, honestly it doesnt mean much difference, ur gonna take all the exact same courses, classes, both universities offer wide range of electives, both have big 10 sports, the only difference is that ur degree will either say purdue or michigan engineering</h2>

<p>I think john14ty66 is right on target. MIT, being an incredibly high caliber institution, is known for their hardcore academics. everything is taught with extreme detail to the basics and buildings blocks of whatever the subject is.</p>

<p>I’m an aero/astro eng student at Purdue, and I went through the First Year Honors Engineering Program. When I was applying to colleges, I also had to choose between Purdue and UMich.</p>

<p>The ranking difference should have a very small effect on your decision to pick either university. When a college is in the top 10 in a field, it is basically equivalent to the other top 10 schools.</p>

<p>The FYE Honors program at Purdue will do a great job in preparing you for the rest of your engineering education. The courses are designed to teach you how to think and deal with projects in a way that is far superior to the regular FYE class.</p>

<p>Someone mentioned that Greek Life at UMich is stronger than Purdue… That is a flat out lie. We have the 3rd largest and most active Greek community in the country of which I am a proud part.</p>

<p>In my opinion the large price tag on a UMich degree gives you no more advantage than a Purdue degree.</p>

<p>That was kind of scattered, because I’m kind of tired. If you have any specific questions, I can answer them.</p>

<p>Hello, ExplorerCY. Thank you very much for your entry; you were most helpful. </p>

<p>Specific question: outside classroom, what other academic opportunities do you have at Purdue (research, internships, etc.)?</p>