Purdue learning communities for freshman

As an incoming freshman to Purdue college of HHS, is it a good idea to try to get into learning communities residencies? Are they any better in terms of living conditions than regular freshman dorms? Thanks!

I think the living learning communities are great! Helps to make a big school feel much smaller and IMO, helps facilitates friendships. Here’s the link to all the options: Learning Communities - LC Profiles


Thank you! There are three types for college of HHS. Any suggestions on how to choose which one is the best fit?

Usually you would choose one that aligns with your major or interests. I have heard good things about Data Mine.

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I have been looking at communities recently too. the Goss Scholars Learning Communities under Engineering associated classes as ENGR 16100 and ENGR 16200.

Students from this learning community must reside in Earhart Hall or the Honors College & Residences (if a member of the Honors College). Please visit the Honors College for more information on their admission process.

I would think anyone in Engineering would jump on something like this. Just the study groups that would be created would make it worth it. You also end up with people surrounding you that are in the same boat. Maybe a shoulder to cry on. (jk)

My D was in the women’s engineering LC. They were all in Shreve/Earnhardt, so the typical Freshman shoebox wasn’t better than other locations, but being around others in the same courses/facing the same challenges was quite valuable.

I posted this elsewhere, but I was wondering about Goss. If you have been admitted to Honors College and FYE, do you also have to apply to Goss? Also, do you interpret the language “must reside in Earhart Hall or the Honors College & Residences (if a member of the Honors College)” to mean if you’re in both you can pick or if you’re in both, you live in Honors College & Residences? Earhart $4860 gets you a double, but in Honors College & Residences it gets you a triple. Thanks.

It has been automatic for honors engineers to be Goss scholars.

D’s freshman year, they used Earhart for honors overflow housing. There was no choice but just luck of the draw. Not sure if that has changed this cycle.

Honors college will most likely do a webinar soon answering those kinds of questions.

Does anyone know if there are essays for the learning community applications? My son can’t find the answer to that anywhere, and you can’t see the application until you complete a housing contract. He wants to make sure he has ample time to write one if we wait until April to accept the offer and sign the housing contract.

This may be too late, as your S may have already applied. My D applied to two LLCs. Only one had 2 short answer questions (or at least that’s how she considered them, not essays). I can’t speak to all of the LLCS, but it seems like a good idea to be prepared for short answer questions!

Not too late at all, thank you, much appreciated!