Purdue or GWU?

<p>Hi guys!
I was admitted into Masters degree of HTM program in Purdue. I heard that Purdue got #1 in hospitality field. At the same time, i got admission from GWU. I am wondering which graduate program is better in the hospitality field and considering the tuition and fees which program is worth taking. I really appreciate your advices. Thanks very much!</p>

<p>Purdue’s website says it is within the top 5 according to the Cornell Quarterly.
GW’s website says that it is world-renowned, but they don’t mention a ranking which seems odd.</p>

<p>The tuitions would both be around $20.5k.</p>

<p>Then, you also might want to take location into account. DC vs West Lafayette, where do you think your career would be more suited?</p>

<p>I believe GWU has a great tourism program not sure about hospitality. </p>

<p>Purdue’s HTM program is not #1 in the hospitality field… The last ranking was like mid-2000’s since it’s hard to rank a HTM program. Purdue was last ranked around the top #5 in the nation I believe. </p>

<p>Did you try applying to Cornell’s MBA program at SHA?</p>

<p>This is coming from a guy who was in Purdue’s HTM program and is trying to get back into it. Unlike you I’m an undergrad. I’ve been researching the schools that do HTM since like 8th grade so I know a bit about the top schools. Grad schools are a bit different obviously since it can be ranked lower than the undergrad. program.</p>