Purdue Polytechnic Institute?

Interesting point…UVA added back ED last year. They had previously discontinued citing it disadvantages certain students…and well, it still does. I assume that decision had to have been, at least in part, to better predict/manage yield. Will see if others follow. Some non-flagships like Ga Tech, Va Tech, Miami Ohio, and William and Mary have ED too.

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Perhaps this past year was an aberration due to Covid. But I can see some of the more elite/desirable public universities – in addition to the ones mentioned by @Mwfan1921 – beginning to adopt it.

University of Kentucky Engineering - Lexington is a few hours from Purdue.

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How far away are first years being housed? I saw some nice apartments across from the XXX Family Restaurant. However, I suspect the housing may be across the river in Lafayette.

Here are figures for the previous three classes.
Total undergrad enrollment/ FTIC freshmen followed by total grad students and first time grad students.

2020: 33063/8779 6085/1507
2019: 32025/8009. 6605/1956
2018: 31217/8324 6546/1870

Was 2018 overenrolled and then 2019 was cut back or tougher or admissions with lower yield? In 2020, grad student enrollment took a hit, probably due to Covid. However, undergrad freshmen grew by 700. This year, word is that the new freshmen class is over 10k. While Purdue has planned on higher enrollment and hired more professors, they are cramping people into rooms, taking away dorm study rooms and busing students from overflow apartments.

Their engineering study spaces and libraries look great but we wondered how crowded it would be when school is in session vs 5:30 on a Friday summer afternoon.

The new dorms weren’t ready for the 2019 class so they accepted less students that year.

Purdue has a huge campus with tons of study spaces. They continue to build new buildings every single year. There is a 250,000 sq ft engineering building currently under construction as well as a bunch of other projects.

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yes, freshman class is about 10,000 students. 2500 students were chosen at random and notified the second week of July that they would be housed either off-campus, with 4 in a double, or up to 10 in a reconverted space barracks style. The lucky ones get 3 in a double. Families were frustrated at the delay in notification (2 months) and the lack of transparency in the literature they were receiving prior to enrollment. I’m assuming the best and thinking the delay in notification was because the University was trying to make alternative housing arrangements, so families wouldn’t have to find something on their own.

I share your concerns about the class sizes. We will see.

did he get into purdue, and if so for engineering or polytechnic

He applied for computer engineering as top major and cybersecurity as number two choice. He was rejected. Same with Wisconsin for computer engineering.