***Purdue University: Class of 2023 Discussion/Decision Thread***

@“AeroSpace Enthusiast” Thank you!

I have applied into Engineering, not sure if that means that my portal looks different, but just for reference. And I was searching for the “cancel application” button everyone has been seeing. I clicked “change major” under “Change Application” and there should be two drop down boxes. The first is shaded gray, meaning I can’t change it, and the second is availble to pick an option. The first dropbox is shaded because it is the indicated major chosen, and the second is available for you to change your major. My first choice is Computer Eng, but my second is Computer and Info. Tech., and thats the major shaded gray. I don’t know what this indicates for me, but I am assuming I didn’t get into Comp Eng?
When you guys click this, what do you see?

I think its hilarious that we are acting as investigators to figure of loopholes in finding our status LOL

So so scared!! AH! My “change major” says exploratory studies, (I selected that as my second major), are we sure this doesn’t mean we were rejected from our first choice?

I’m interpreting that as rejected from your first choice

@xznmcbv When I choose that it only shows one From box: with my sons second choice major and its greyed and doesn’t let me select it even if i wanted to.

But wouldn’t they post our decisions instead of just changing things on our applications before the decisions are released?

i agree it probably means didn’t get first choice. But second choice would still be better than a rejection. Fingers crossed!

Well on that note, does anyone see their first choice shaded instead?

I have my first choice major under that section but I do not have the ‘Cancel your application’.
I am so confused

@xznmcbv my daughter’s first choice is grayed and her second choice is absent from the drop-down menu.

Hi All…high stress environment for the next couple of hours. However for those who have already got acceptances from some colleges, it is not so bad. My son got into Rutgers CS already which in In State tuition, So Purdue will be a good choice only if scholarship comes along with it. Else as they say “After first couple of years of work experience, only experience matters and no one even asks where you graduated from?”…Im from HR so i know how it works! So dont stress folks!

For those whose first choice major button is gray, I believe it is because that your first choice major is a “closed program” which means that you cannot apply after a certain date. For example, I don’t think you can apply to engineer programs after November 1st (if I’m not remembering this wrong). Don’t worry, have faith in yourselves!

Does anyone know if scholarship information also comes out today?

@lunandeee So it is not an indication of acceptance/ rejection?

I really just drove home hysterically crying… jesus I’m quite the drama queen HAHHA THANK YOU

It matters more what you learn, than where you learn it from, especially in the field of Computer Science.

@lunandeee so if you have exploratory studies (which is your second choice) that is gray, what does that mean??

No they release scholarship and honors college decisions mid-feburary

hi everyone! first of all, good luck!!! I was previously accepted into georgiatech ea this year; i was just wondering are the academic levels similar between georgiatech and purdue? I also applied to purdue ea

I am useless till 5pm, not that I am very productive otherwise, but it sucks.