***Purdue University: Class of 2023 Discussion/Decision Thread***

Here we go, everyone! Here’s the Purdue '23 thread for the CC community!
I’m a senior in HS, and figured it’d be nice to have a thread for all of us as we wait, EA and RD alike. Feel free to post your stats, agonize, and discuss, but please treat each other respectfully!

My Stats:
Gender: Female
Decision Plan: Early Action
UW GPA: 4.00
SAT: 1480 [ERW: 750 M: 730]
In-State or Out-of-State? OOS [I’m from Maryland]
Major: Physics!

Best of luck to everyone, and Boiler Up!

Your “handle” is very appropriate for Purdue.

Hi! I’m applying to Purdue EA as well!! Best of luck to us both :slight_smile:

Gender: Female
SAT: 1580 (780 ERW, 800M)
W GPA: 4.506
Major: computer science

Good luck!
My daughter also has her app in! We can’t wait for some news! : ) good luck everyone!

Gender: Female
Decision Plan: Early Action
UW GPA: 4.00
SAT: 1570 [ERW 780, M 790]
ACT: 35
SAT Subject Tests: Chemistry (800), Math level 2 (800)
OOS Colorado
Major: Engineering

Applying to Purdue
Residency -Ohio
Major-Data Science
GPA 4.11(W). ACT 31

Applying to Purdue - Computer Science
SAT:- Gonna get between 1300 to 1350 ( results will come out on 14th December )

GPA:- IGCSE ( 1 A*, 2 A’s, 4 B’s, 1 C ), AS Level ( 1 A, 3 B’s ). Maximum grade in AS Level is “A”.

EC’s:- Carnegie Mellon University Qatar Mindcradt workshop ( related to computer science ), Carnegie Mellon University Qatar Ibtikar workshop ( related to information systems ), 21 hours of IT and Maths community service, ROTA beach cleanup volunteer work, Table tennis tournament ( Gold medal ), Cricket tournament ( Gold Medal )

Out of state

I’ve applied to early action.

What SAT score does Purdue look for for nursing?

Purdue apparently called my school to talk to my counselor about me is this normal?

@bbq5ue I am not really qualified to answer that question but it sounds non standard to me for whatever thats worth

I logged on to the admissions portal tonight and noticed a band along the top of the page that contained a link to “accept your offer”. I didn’t notice if this was there before or if its a recent difference. Does anyone else have a similar link and has it been there the whole time?

@kajaet I see it too. Not sure if it was there before but I would guess that it was.

Should we still complete the supplemental scholarship application if we are applying for Engineering? On the website it says Engineering scholarships are only based off of the college admissions application and the supplemental scholarship is not necessary. Is this true?

nvm … it shows up on my laptop, just didn’t on my phone.

@DocJake Well I know some other schools that we applied to had some “indicators” that were there before the official word arrived. I apologize in advance if this is not one of them and causes people even more anxiety during this long waiting process.

Unfortunately this one is not one such indicator. I see it even when I’m not logged in, so it’s just a static link.

Gender: Male
Decision Plan: Early Action
GPA: 3.73 UW, 4.52 W
SAT: 1500 [ERW 710, M 790]
SAT Subject Tests: Physics (750), Math level 2 (800)
OOS California
Major: Data Science
Strong ECs and essays, 1000+ volunteer hours

So has “accept your offer” always been there? I never noticed before now, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. Anyone know?

@citymama9 I have seen that message there all along… so I don;t think it’s an indicator.

@coffeemomCO Thanks for letting me know!

Based on past history, does anyone know when to expect the EA results this year?

"Early Action application deadline — students who meet the Early Action deadline will have an admission decision on January 15. " – https://www.admissions.purdue.edu/apply/deadlines.php

Purdue sticks to the published date. Not before or not after. Typically around 4pm