Purdue University EA 2025 Decisions

Accepted for Krannert!!
Major: Supply Chain, Information, and Analytics
GPA: 4.19 (3.96 UW, hardest courses available within school)
ACT: 26
Lots of EC’s with Leadership
OOS (Ohio)


S got second choice in poly for a aviation administration rather than professional flight. Anyone have experience with this and whether a transfer is possible later?

I got accepted into Purdue College of Engineering!
GPA: 3.55UW and 3.96W
SAT: 1510
2 Hardcore ECs with leadership

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Same here. My D did not get her first choice CS, but got in Computer Engineering at Poly. If anyone knows much about the program please let me know

DD Accepted to College on Engineering. Applied for Computer Engineering.

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Accepted into pharmacy!
GPA: 4.00UW 4.95 W
I received merit.

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did not get her first choice CS, but got in Computer Engineering at Poly.

From a job/career point of view there is almost no difference between Computer Science vs. Software Engineering, BA vs. BS and so on.

So you’re saying Cal Poly SLO results are out for some people? Are you in California?

I think by “Poly” they mean Purdue’s Polytechnic College


no no. we are talking about Purdue’s poly

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Oh OK. So Computer Engineering vs. Computer Science is a little different. Computer Engineering includes hardware in addition to software. If student is interested in hardware then Computer Engineering is great. Computer Science and Software Engineering are pretty much the same thing. From a job/career point of view you can get hired into Software Engineer job at any company (Google/Microsoft/Facebook/Amazon etc.) with any of these degrees.

Poly tech degrees are substantially different. I’d encourage you to do a deeper dive on the 4 year plan of study and the career types/outcomes.

Different as compared to computer sc or computer engineering ?

yeah. He my Son got CS in UW-Maddison. We would have considered Purdue if we got CS. But he will not be willing to join Computer Engineering. So we will see if we can do a major change

Different compared to both.

@srparent15 What do you know about Purdue and OOS? We are OOS also.

Anyone know what the deferred acceptance rate is for CS? Also chance me

Deferred CS
4.84 Weight / 3.98 Unweight
35 ACT
14 APs including senior year

Great for Engineering and great job placement. Definitely can’t go wrong for Engineering.

Other fields it really depends. CS is strong, but if you want to go outside midwest it is a little harder, but easier than a place like Wisconsin because they get great recruiters. Wisconsin is also outrageously expensive for what it is.

My step daughter went there for a non stem field and it was really a bad choice for her, career planning was not good for her either. Being a non-stem major and having to take certain core courses with most of those students, was a killer for her and she did poorly in those courses because she was the weak student in a group of much stronger students. She’s 30 and still struggling to make a living and can’t afford to live alone without a roommate, so it’s super challenging.

So before anyone spends the money to go there, these are things they need to really consider and look at. Courses, types of courses within the major, your strengths, how strong of a student you are to begin with and can be there, and how well you will do when mixed with the engineers who are the brightest students in their school or even their states. Internships in some majors can be amazing and networking. It’s a tall order from some.

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Are u saying for CS, purdue is better than Wisconsin because purdue gets great recruiters? or are u saying the other way around. Just trying to understand. Thanks