Purdue vs U Minnesota TC for English

My daughter got into both and is trying to decide. She is planning to major in English , possibly with a double major in History. Financially, it is pretty similar. Purdue is closer to home. I am wondering if anyone knows which of the two is academically stronger in liberal arts and which one has more internship opportunities. TIA

Internships will be tough with those majors. A lot will depend on the hustle of the student, finding something on their own. The liberal arts are just tougher (especially these two) - fewer job listings - but there is plenty to do whether writing, museums, government or business roles that don’t require a specific degree - merchandising or insurance claims come to mind.

I would think, given the difficulty of the major(s), UMN may be the better call - just more in the immediate surroundings. But I would choose where the student feels best as she has to be there four years day after day.

Good luck.

What sorts of internships are you hoping for?


She is not 100% sure at this point. TBH I think whatever she wants to do now will probably change so I am just trying to help her figure out which school is academically stronger in liberal arts. She is certainly more humanities inclined than STEM, that’s unlikely to change. I know Purdue is stronger in STEM but I don’t know if either has an edge in liberal arts.

Purdue is very, very STEM centric and that’s where the bulk of their resources go. That said, coops are available for history majors (not English). It might be worth reaching out to the office of professional practice and finding out more about what companies hire humanities majors for internships and the roles at those companies.

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