Purdue's For Me

<p>My son is attending Purdues for Me next week by himself. It will be his first time to see the campus and he is only there for that one day. I have a few questions... will he meet his advisor? How many dorms will he see? Will he learn about the greek life there? He is in Engineering, I am guessing he will tour that building and meet some staff. He is leaving campus around 4pm to head to the airport, I don't expect that he will wonder on his own at all. I am concerned that I did not allow enough time for him. Any information or suggestions would be helpful.</p>

<p>We were there today for the program. It’s basically a day where they give you options to attend a variety of sessions, along with a tour of a residence hall, lunch in the food court and an optional tour of the Armstrong engineering building where freshman engineers take some of their classes. In addition, in the morning, they had a room set up with tables to get info on activities such as rec sports, band, etc. </p>

<p>My daughter went to sessions on learning communities, student housing, an engineering overview & student panel, and a chemical engineering session. She also scheduled a time to meet with someone from the faculty. It was a well laid out program. We were on campus by 8:30am and done by 4pm. </p>

<p>Good luck with your son’s visit. I’m sure he could probably meet with an advisor but may want to schedule that before the day of the visit.</p>