PurdueU Residence HELP!

<p>In which residence am I likely to get a single room which is nearest to the Engineering mall? Please help me out, I am international applicant who got admitted to PurdueU First-Year Engineering.</p>

<p>The possibility of getting a single room your freshmen year is very, very low. However, the closest residence hall to the Engineering mall with singles would be Cary Quad (all male dorm, however). I can guarantee you you will not get a single though, because upperclassmen have already picked their rooms for next year and requesting a single as a freshmen is pretty much impossible. First Street Towers is another possibility, but not close to the engineering mall and it is for upperclassmen but they do allow some freshmen to live there.</p>

<p>You might want to check and see if there are “unoccupied” rooms available at Hilltop (they’re close to Cary). As Mubashwer has mentioned earlier, getting a single room is very, very difficult. If you are 21 years old of age or older, I would recommend checking out Hawkins Hall (although it may be slightly farther than the engineering mall) - they have single rooms available. Keep in mind that a lot of the residence halls require you to purchase a meal plan. I would NOT recommend you to buy one, even if they are offered to you. I have calculated the cost per meal and it is significantly cheaper to buy meals at the door than to buy a meal plan. You’ll thank your wallet and your time for that. Trust me.</p>

<p>You don’t have to live near the Engineering Mall your freshman year… If you want to live elsewhere then consider living in other dorms rather than Cary and Hilltop. As already mentioned the chances of getting a single is slim. I do not know why you want a single your freshman year but whatever.</p>

Hilltop is apartments, which does not have singles. And to live in Hawkins Hall you can be 20 years old, and it’s a month by month payment instead of a lump sum with your tuition like a majority of the residence halls. And you MUST to get a meal plan if you’re living in the residence halls, there isn’t an option not to get one, the two go hand in hand. Basically, freshmen year you have little options. They basically require everyone to live in a double, with a roommate and with a meal plan.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! Double room wouldn’t be a problem but i just prefer single room… Besides Cary Quad, which other residences are close to the Engineering mall?</p>

<li>McCutcheon/Purdue Village</li>

<p>Uconfidential. how exactly did you calculate that? and do u mean buying meals at residence hall dining courts?</p>

<p>I’m sure it’s around $11-13 per swipe…</p>