Purple & Gold Scholarship

Anyone know the average amount awarded for the OOS Purple & Gold Scholarship and what the criteria is? Thank you

A quick google search:

Purple & Gold

The Purple & Gold Scholarship is awarded to U.S. students (U.S. citizens, permanent residents, refugees and undocumented residents) who are not residents of Washington state. Amounts vary by recipient, are given for four years and may be used only for the Seattle campus.

This scholarship is awarded with the following conditions:

Recipients are not now, and nor will they become, residents of the state of Washington for the four-year duration of the award.
Recipients will confirm their intention to enroll at the UW for autumn quarter by May 1 of the year they wish to enroll. May 1 is the National Candidate Reply Date.
Recipients will enroll as full-time students, defined as a minimum of 12 credits per quarter for three quarters of the academic year.
The scholarship is renewable for four years as long as recipients maintain good academic standing.
The scholarship may not be deferred.

Make sure you contact financial aid if you need funding and get more information.

Yes, thanks I found this too. But I’m looking for specifics regarding how much $ is typically awarded. Have not been able to find any information that provides approximate dollar amounts.

Look through last year’s thread towards the end, where applicants received their decisions and P&G scholarship awards.

My daughter as a OOS CA resident received 3000/yr. This was probably on the lower end, as I know others were offered 5000-7500.

The amount varies from year to year. The vast majority receive the lower amount. Last year that was $3000/yr. Previous years was around $5000. Only a small percentage get the top amount. About $7400 last year and $8500 in years past. Given that the OOS cost is in the mid-$50ks, it really is just a drop in the bucket. But I guess every bit helps!

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I recall reading that the range was $3,000 to $8,000.

Same here