Hi Everyone,
I noticed that Brown (and several other schools) has an option for applicants to include a resume. Everything that is on my resume is basically covered by the Common App. However, my GC told me that if something says optional, you should usually just fill it out or do it as it shows commitment on your part and can give the school extra information. I don’t really want to be redundant on my application, because other than some nice graphics, my resume brings no additional information to adcoms. Is there some subtle reason why Brown (and other schools) have included this option (e.g. they want to see if you are professional and have a resume) or does it really not matter?
I believe that resume option has been included to write about your activities extensively. Like on the common app, it barely gives you choice to completely elaborate about the activities.
It’s a great chance to shine. Add info about work or volunteer experience that don’t fit neatly into the EC, extra awards that don’t fit into 5 spaces, and other interests that make you interesting!
Thanks for the replies! I will be sure to include the additional information about activities, honors, and interests in my resume.
Don’t be redundant. Don’t put something important in the resume, assuming they’ll find it there. They may not do more than skim, if that. You could use Addl Info for a line about other awards or something they need to know to review you. Brief, not a formal resume. In general, not every single detail needs to be explained or is even relevant. And they can prefer you know how to self edit. Think about it.