
On the Common Application, Brown has a section for uploading a resume. Would you recommend taking advantage of this? Or is the 10 activities sufficient. Do they esteem an application with a resume higher than one without?

I think the resume might be useful to a student who has a lot of major awards they want to list (for example, numerous awards at the state, national and international level), or who did extensive scientific research they want to describe, or some other reason that their qualifications do not all fit well on an application form. I think the vast majority of students can fit everything they need to on the application without adding a resume, but it is nice that Brown offers this option. If your resume will just repeat what is on the application without anything significant added, then it isn’t worth uploading one. On the other hand, if you are having to leave off a bunch of impressive stuff because there aren’t enough spaces on the application, then add a resume.