Put boyfriend in Family Information section...

<p>Ummm... So I was doing an application and I got to the "Family Information" section. At the bottom it asks vaguely if I "know anyone who has graduated from or is currently attending the university." And then there is a blank to describe the "relationship". Since it simply asked if I "know someone" I put down my boyfriend.... But after submitting the app I'm thinking they probably were only interested in knowing about immediate family.... But again, it didn't say that. It simply asked if I "know SOMEONE".... Either way I can't change it now.</p>

<p>Is this bad? Will they reject me for mentioning my bf even if everything else is good? Will they perhaps think it's cute? Maybe it will surprise them, and they'll accept me for making their day in the office a little more entertaining..lol.</p>

<p>Seriously, is this bad?</p>

<p>Seriously??? : (</p>

<p>Oh my god… now I realized i misspelled one word in the app, despite reviewing it several times. My life is over :(</p>

<p>for real, newest newb never give an useful advice or infomation.</p>

<p>Plus, one misspelled is not going to ruin your life, kim.</p>

<p>About the BF issue, I don’t think they will reject you just because you mention about your BF. Neither they would accept you because you surprise them or make their day a little entertainner. In fact, there’s no surprise on that. You are not the only person in the world who mention BF on the application.</p>

<p>They might have either positive or negative impression on you-it’s up to a person but I don’t think it would affect your chance.</p>

<p>Hmmmm ok. My admissions essay is good … no errors there … Can’t stress over something I can’t change anyway… lol. Thanks for your reply. Anyway it could always be worse… could’ve typed “clam fart”…bahahaha</p>

<p>Okay, reality time.</p>

<p>If legacy counts for anything at this school, they would have asked specifically about family members. If they didn’t, they are probably just interested in how you learned about the school and how much you may know about it through other people you know who have attended.</p>