<p>Hi ppl
i need to ask a question, hope ull help me out.
im currently in my senior year (12 grade), and im applying 4 colleges in the state for fall 2009. i didnt take the sat subject test yet. however i have taken the sat reasoning test!
i have schedueld a sat subject test on may!!
so is it too late? since admission will be announced on april?</p>
<p>Yeah that’s way too late…even January is a stretch for a lot of colleges. Of course they won’t take SAT Subject tests after admissions have already been announced…</p>
<p>You can standby in January.
This is your last chance.</p>
<p>may is definitely too late. the only thing you should do now is to test as a standby. most colleges say that they accept January scores, but it is better for you to check out whether your colleges say the same</p>
<p>Some schools accept subject scores after admission. Those schools use subject test scores for class placement. But if you want the score for admission purposes, May is too late. Call your school and find out.</p>
<p>oh my! guess im in trouble =S
thanx guys…</p>