<p>what are the PROS and CONS of quarterly vs semester based schools?? ...would semester be better since you have more time to focus on your work, do to less stress/mid-terms and what not?</p>
<p>Semester system is awesome. Get to watch the NBA Finals without having to worry about finals.</p>
<p>Au contraire, quarter system you go on spring/winter break without having to study for midterms and finals.</p>
<p>Quarters FTW! Its really fast and you can count all the weeks on your fingers! HAHhaha, but I do hate how intense and fast paced it is…esp when you are doing really tough courses.</p>
<p>Ugh. I would hate the quarter system! The breaks aren’t long enough, and the school year is too much like high school. Let me start at the end of August, get a month long break Dec-Jan and be done in mid may!</p>
<p>yeaaahh… too bad basketball sucks. :)</p>
<p>Yea I plan on going Pre-med, so maybe that is a factor to consider since the classes will be tough</p>
<p>no u (10char)</p>
<p>me… what? Obviously you can’t finish a sentence correctly - further proof that basketball sucks.</p>
<p>yes you (10CharCauseThisIdiotThinkHeHotButHeNot)</p>
<p>I’ve been on both schedules with different colleges. The semester system involves taking more classes at one, but they aren’t usually MTWRF like those on a quarter system. With a semester system, the material is spread out longer and it’s easier, IMHO, to squeeze in an extra credit or two. that said, I did not feel rushed when I was on the quarter system. With the semester system, you get much of May off, while in the quarter system you get some of September off. You can get used to either.</p>
<p>which system would be more ideal for a pre-med major…i was thinking semester because it would give me a better chance to take in and understand all the difficult pre-med curriculum such as o-chem and what not</p>
<p>i cant read what’s in the parenthesis because there are no spaces. arg. :(</p>
<p>Looks like I just found my reason to not like the quarter system. Thanks.</p>
<p>I’ve had one class out of 12 that met MTWRF on the quarter system. Most classes meet two or three days a week.</p>
<p>ditto the NBA finals. I wanna watch the Hawks right now but I can’t because my school does the stupid quarter system and I have midterms and finals to worry about. Also, if your school is on the quarter system and you don’t live near the college, then you will miss the first couple of college football games in the fall. I missed the first 3 games and I was kinda mad about that.</p>
<p>How about…a trimester system? Haha that’s what my (future!) college has…it was actually a amjor selling point for me, because even though it starts a bit later, I’m home from Thanksgiving through Christmas. Trimesters are 10 weeks, and you only take 3 classes at a time, which seems very nice.</p>
<p>Of course, I haven’t actually experienced this yet; I’m starting in the fall. But like I said, it was a major selling point for the school.</p>
<p>I feel like trimesters are better than quarters, but that semesters still win.</p>
<p>i have been in semesters since high school so i enjoy having my long summer break.</p>
<p>Because Quarter schools don’t have long summer breaks?</p>