<p>i was going to forward my Questbridge application to schools for RD (though I didn't make finalist) BUT when I went back and checked, I realized that I'd put down 2006 instead of 2005 in like 3 places. I emailed one of the colleges asking if it's okay for me to still use it, and they were very nice, and said that I could just send them an email with the dates corrected, but now I'm worried that I made a huge mistake by sending them that email, as it shows that I'm not careful enough, pay attention to detail (though I checked my application like 2000 times, I don't know how it escaped me then... :() pllus some things have changed since then. I've rewritten one of the essays, and I think it's much better now, and my focus now is more geared towards law/poli sci. However, QB has the advantage of three essays. I really don't know what to do. </p>
<p>So should I use the Questbridge application, or start off with a clean slate and just submit the Common App? </p>
<p>Do what you have time for. Don’t worry about it too much. </p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>Just use the QB app.</p>
<p>Use the QB application. You spent an inordinate amount of time on that application - you should definitely put it to good use.</p>
<p>By the way, I got Matched athenegoddess! I’ll be going to Haverford. :)</p>
<p>Best of luck to you! You’ll do great in the RD round.</p>
<p>Okay seriously… don’t worry. Colleges realize you make mistakes. I mean I totally left one of the short answer questions for my Yale application blank- and technically the most important at that. It was the “Why Yale?”… now you can’t do worse than that. I was proactive enough and sent in the answer as an attachment to both my regional officer and the admissions office. They were very understanding. And now I got in, so really don’t worry. Colleges realize that you make mistakes. They do too. We’re all human.
And about the “new” essay you wrote… try to put it in the common application essay if you had not applied during the Match Process and the school didn’t require the Common App. If you can’t, contact the school and see how they feel about reading a new essay. However, if it was me, I would just stick with my original essays and information. It would be just too much work for the school to really get a feel for what you want to do if you change it too much.</p>
<p>^ Wow. That makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!! haha. </p>
<p>thanks for the advice. I sent my QB app out to CMC right now!! </p>
<p><em>crosses fingers</em> </p>
<p>congrats Sligh!!! I’m so happy for you!!! I PMed you back :P</p>