Question about a writing Q from the Oct. SAT

<li> <most of=""> the <hypotheses that=""> Kepler developed to explain physical forces were later rejected <as> <inconsistent to=""> Newtonian theory. <no error=""></no></inconsistent></as></hypotheses></most></li>

<p>Which section is wrong and why? I’m just curious to see what you guys all put…I’ll reply with the “answer” after I see what you guys say (to see if I’m just crazy).</p>

<p>I think it's idiomatic, or whatever. <inconsistent **with[="" b]=""></inconsistent></p>

<p>Bah I just realized that...I put <as>...wouldn't it make sense if you changed <as> to <for being="">? Maybe not?</for></as></as></p>

<p>Agree with live</p>

<p>I think there is something with <as>, but I don't know how to change it...</as></p>

<p><as> is fine. You could always put <for being="">, perhaps, just like you can spin around most of the sentence in different ways. But if you put <for being="">, which is also fine, you still have a problem with <inconsistent to="">. <as> is not an error just because it can be stated in different ways.</as></inconsistent></for></for></as></p>

<p>Like zoogies said, it's one of those 'idiomatic' things. The word "to" does not go after "inconsistent", so even if you changed "as", the sentence still wouldn't make sense.</p>

<p>EDIT: Like zoogies just posted.</p>