Question about Admission into Engineering school

Hi all! I have a quick question. So i took AP Chem in my sophomore year of high school and I did not do so well as it was my first AP Class and honestly one of the hardest classes i’ve taken. Unfortunately I ended with a C in the class. Im scared that this is going to affect my admission into Purdue Engineering bc I know that they really care about performance in science classes. Could this C be the reason that I get deferred? I would really appreciate if anybody could give me some feedback if they’ve been in a similar experience or have any insight at all! Thanks

What year will you be in this coming academic year, and, if you apply, will you be an in-state or OOS applicant?

i will be a senior and OOS

If your other STEM classes in HS are fine, don’t worry about the grade from sophomore year. Also, don’t worry about a deferral at this point.

Talk to your guidance counselor early in the Fall Semester to discuss any potential issues, as well as potential admissions strategies.

Here is a link to the Purdue Data Digest,, under the link for “Applications, Admits, and Matriculations”. It is interactive, so you can input the parameters that most apply to you (for example, you would be “Non-Resident” under the “Residency” tab). Based on your input, the Data Digest will generate information and create some graphs/charts which may provide some useful information for you.

If you have good rigor and grades in the rest of your transcript, solid ACT/SAT, and ECs, I don’t think the C will kill your application. That said, if another component of your application is weak, you may raise some red flags.

@gandalf78 @momofsenior1 thank you guys so much I’ve been stressing about college non stop for the last 2 months and this has given me some assurance!